OpenComputers Integration/Unlocalized Names

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Below is a list of all fluid types and their unlocalized names. Unlocalized names that are not similar to their localized name counterparts are red.

Name Column
Color Context
Green Linked fluid.
Blue No fluid exists/fluid cannot be stored.
Red Missing fluid page.

All Fluids

ID Name Unlocalized Name Type
0 None "NONE" None
1 Water "WATER" Generic
2 Steam "STEAM" Generic
3 Dense Steam "HOTSTEAM" Generic
4 Super Dense Steam "SUPERHOTSTEAM" Generic
5 Ultra Dense Steam "ULTRAHOTSTEAM" Generic
6 Coolant "COOLANT" Heatable
7 Lava "LAVA" Generic
8 Deuterium "DEUTERIUM" Generic
9 Tritium "TRITIUM" Generic
10 Crude Oil "OIL" Oil (Normal)
11 Hot Crude Oil "HOTOIL" Oil (Normal)
12 Heavy Oil "HEAVYOIL" Oil (Normal)
13 Bitumen "BITUMEN" Oil (Normal)
14 Industrial Oil "SMEAR" Oil (Normal)
15 Heating Oil "HEATINGOIL" Oil (Normal)
16 Reclaimed Industrial Oil "RECLAIMED" Oil (Normal)
17 Petroil "PETROIL" Oil (Normal)
18 Engine Lubricant "LUBRICANT" Oil (Normal)
19 Naphtha "NAPHTHA" Oil (Normal)
20 Diesel "DIESEL" Oil (Normal)
21 Light Oil "LIGHTOIL" Oil (Normal)
22 Kerosene "KEROSENE" Oil (Normal)
23 Natural Gas "GAS" Oil (Normal)
24 Petroleum Gas "PETROLEUM" Oil (Normal)
25 LPG "LPG" Oil (Normal)
26 Biogas "BIOGAS" Organic Fuel
27 Biofuel "BIOFUEL" Organic Fuel
28 NITAN© 100 Octane Super Fuel "NITAN" Miscellaneous
29 Uranium Hexafluoride "UF6" Miscellaneous
30 Plutonium Hexafluoride "PUF6" Miscellaneous
31 Schrabidium Trisulfide "SAS3" Miscellaneous
32 Schrabidic Acid "SCHRABIDIC" Acid
33 Antimatter "AMAT" Antimatter
34 Antischrabidium "ASCHRAB" Antimatter
35 Hydrogen Peroxide "PEROXIDE" Acid
36 Poisonous Mud "WATZ" Miscellaneous
37 Cryogel "CRYOGEL" Generic
38 Hydrogen "HYDROGEN" Generic
39 Oxygen "OXYGEN" Generic
40 Xenon "XENON" Miscellaneous
41 BF Rocket Fuel "BALEFIRE" Miscellaneous
42 Mercury "MERCURY" Generic
43 Pandemonium(III)tantalite Solution "PAIN" Miscellaneous
44 Liquid Nuclear Waste "WASTEFLUID" Miscellaneous
45 Gaseous Nuclear Waste "WASTEGAS" Miscellaneous
46 Gasoline "GASOLINE" Oil (Normal)
47 Coal Gasoline "COALGAS" Oil (Coal)
48 Low-Pressure Steam "SPENTSTEAM" Generic
49 Fracking Solution "FRACKSOL" Acid
50 Deuterium-Tritium Plasma "PLASMA_DT" Plasma
51 Hydrogen-Deuterium Plasma "PLASMA_HD" Plasma
52 Hydrogen-Tritium Plasma "PLASMA_HT" Plasma
53 Xenon-Mercury Plasma "PLASMA_XM" Plasma
54 Balefire Plasma "PLASMA_BF" Plasma
55 Carbon Dioxide "CARBONDIOXIDE" Miscellaneous
56 Deuterium-Helium-3 Plasma "PLASMA_DH3" Plasma
57 Helium-3 "HELIUM3" Miscellaneous
58 Osmiridic Solution "DEATH" Miscellaneous
59 Ethanol "ETHANOL" Organic Fuel
60 Heavy Water "HEAVYWATER" Generic
61 Cracked Oil "CRACKOIL" Oil (Cracked)
62 Coal Oil "COALOIL" Oil (Coal)
63 Hot Cracked Oil "HOTCRACKOIL" Oil (Cracked)
64 Cracked Naphtha "NAPHTHA_CRACK" Oil (Cracked)
65 Cracked Light Oil "LIGHTOIL_CRACK" Oil (Cracked)
66 Cracked Diesel "DIESEL_CRACK" Oil (Cracked)
67 Aromatic Hydrocarbons "AROMATICS" Oil (Cracked)
68 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons "UNSATURATEDS" Oil (Cracked)
69 Salient Green "SALIENT" Miscellaneous
70 Experience Juice "XPJUICE" Miscellaneous
71 Ender Juice "ENDERJUICE" Miscellaneous
72 Leaded Petroil "PETROIL_LEADED" Oil (Leaded)
73 Leaded Gasoline "GASOLINE_LEADED" Oil (Leaded)
74 Leaded Coal Gasoline "COALGAS_LEADED" Oil (Leaded)
75 Sulfuric Acid "SULFURIC_ACID" Acid
76 Hot Coolant "COOLANT_HOT" Heatable
77 MUG Root Beer "MUG" Heatable
78 Hot MUG Root Beer "MUG_HOT" Heatable
79 Wood Oil "WOODOIL" Miscellaneous
80 Coal Tar Creosote "COALCREOSOTE" Miscellaneous
81 Seeding Slurry "SEEDSLURRY" Miscellaneous
82 Nitric Acid "NITRIC_ACID" Acid
83 Solvent "SOLVENT" Acid
84 Blood "BLOOD" Heatable
85 Hot Blood "BLOOD_HOT" Heatable
86 Syngas "SYNGAS" Miscellaneous
87 Oxyhydrogen "OXYHYDROGEN" Miscellaneous
88 High-Performance Solvent "RADIOSOLVENT" Acid
89 Chlorine Gas "CHLORINE" Generic
90 Vacuum Heavy Oil "HEAVYOIL_VACUUM" Oil (Vacuum)
91 Reformate "REFORMATE" Oil (Vacuum)
92 Vacuum Light Oil "LIGHTOIL_VACUUM" Oil (Vacuum)
93 Sour Gas "SOURGAS" Oil (Vacuum)
94 BTX "XYLENE" Oil (Vacuum)
95 Vacuum Heating Oil "HEATINGOIL_VACUUM" Oil (Vacuum)
96 High-Octane Diesel "DIESEL_REFORM" Oil (Vacuum)
97 High-Octane Cracked Diesel "DIESEL_CRACK_REFORM" Oil (Vacuum)
98 Jet Fuel "KEROSENE_REFORM" Oil (Vacuum)
99 Reformate Gas "REFORMGAS" Oil (Vacuum)
100 Colloid "COLLOID" Miscellaneous
101 Phosgene "PHOSGENE" Miscellaneous
102 Mustard Gas "MUSTARDGAS" Miscellaneous
103 Ionic Gel "IONGEL" Miscellaneous
104 Coker Oil "OIL_COKER" Coker Byproduct
105 Coker Naphtha "NAPHTHA_COKER" Coker Byproduct
106 Coker Gas "GAS_COKER" Coker Byproduct
107 Dissolved Egg "EGG" Miscellaneous
108 Cholesterol Solution "CHOLESTEROL" Miscellaneous
109 Estradiol Solution "ESTRADIOL" Miscellaneous
110 Fish Oil "FISHOIL" Miscellaneous
111 Sunflower Seed Oil "SUNFLOWEROIL" Miscellaneous
112 Nitroglycerin "NITROGLYCERIN" Miscellaneous
113 Red Mud "REDMUD" Acid
114 Chlorocalcite Solution "CHLOROCALCITE_SOLUTION" Miscellaneous (Chlorocalcite)
115 Mixed Chlorocalcite Solution "CHLOROCALCITE_MIX" Miscellaneous (Chlorocalcite)
116 Cleaned Chlorocalcite Solution "CHLOROCALCITE_CLEANED" Miscellaneous (Chlorocalcite)
117 Potassiumchloride Solution "POTASSIUM_CHLORIDE" Miscellaneous (Chlorocalcite)
118 Calciumchloride Solution "CALCIUM_CHLORIDE" Miscellaneous (Chlorocalcite)
119 Calcium Solution "CALCIUM_SOLUTION" Miscellaneous (Chlorocalcite)
120 Smoke "SMOKE" Smoke
121 Leaded Smoke "SMOKE_LEADED" Smoke
122 Poison Smoke "SMOKE_POISON" Smoke
123 Helium-4 "HELIUM4" Miscellaneous
124 Hot Heavy Water "HEAVYWATER_HOT" Heatable
125 Liquid Sodium "SODIUM" Heatable
126 Hot Liquid Sodium "SODIUM_HOT" Heatable
127 Liquid Thorium Salt "THORIUM_SALT" Heatable
128 Hot Liquid Thorium Salt "THORIUM_SALT_HOT" Heatable
129 Depleted Liquid Thorium Salt "THORIUM_SALT_DEPLETED" Heatable
130 Fullerene "FULLERENE" Miscellaneous
131 Booster Pheromone "PHEROMONE" Miscellaneous
132 Modified Booster Pheromone "PHEROMONE_M" Miscellaneous
133 Desulfurized Crude Oil "OIL_DS" Oil (Desulfurized)
134 Hot Desulfurized Crude Oil "HOTOIL_DS" Oil (Desulfurized)
135 Desulfurized Cracked Oil "CRACKOIL_DS" Oil (Desulfurized and Cracked)
136 Hot Desulfurized Cracked Oil "HOTCRACKOIL_DS" Oil (Desulfurized and Cracked)
137 Desulfurized Naphtha "NAPHTHA_DS" Oil (Desulfurized)
138 Desulfurized Light Oil "LIGHTOIL_DS" Oil (Desulfurized)
139 Stellar Flux "STELLAR_FLUX" Miscellaneous