OpenComputers Integration

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

OpenComputers (commonly called OC) is a mod that allows the user to use in-game computers to control/show information about other blocks/machines. NTM has built-in integration with OC, allowing for players to access/control many components of the mod with ease and automation. You will sometimes see this integration referred to as OC-NTM integration/compatibility.


Connecting a NTM machine/block to an OpenComputers system can be done by using OC cables to connect the OC system directly to the block/machine (without using an adapter).

Getting the values from the components is not as easy as it may seem. Every compatible machine/block from NTM, when connected to an OpenComputers network, will be given a unique component address that can be used to call that block in code. These addresses can be seen by typing components into the OpenOS shell (or whatever shell the OS you are using has). Additionally, you can use an Analyzer to see the address by shift-clicking a block/machine, and copy the address by ctrl-shift-clicking it.

Unlocalized Names

NTM returns unlocalized names when getting fluid types through OC, meaning they sometimes will not have the same name as the name shown in-game. A table for finding unlocalized names and IDs for fluids can be found on this page.

Basic Terminology

  • integer: A whole number value.
  • float: A decimal value with 7 decimal places of precision.
  • double: A decimal value with 16 decimal places of precision.
  • number: OC uses this term to describe any number value, regardless of decimals. Always an integer unless specified.
  • string: A sequence or string of characters.
  • boolean: A true or false value.
  • nil: No value.
  • table: An array of values with the first value being at index 1.
  • list: Similar to a table, however the elements of the list are separated. Ex: a, b, c = foo()



RBMK Fuel Rod

  • Component Name: "rbmk_fuel_rod"
Callback Return Type
getHeat() Column heat in °C. number (double)
getSkinHeat() Fuel skin heat in °C, or N/A if no rod. number (double)
getCoreHeat() Fuel core heat in °C, or N/A if no rod. number (double)
getFluxSlow() Slow flux recieved by the rod. number (double)
getFluxFast() Fast flux recieved by the rod. number (double)
getDepletion() Fuel enrichment in %, or N/A if no rod. number (double)
getXenonPoison() Fuel xenon poisoning in %, or N/A if no rod. number (double)
getType() Internal name (unlocalized) of the fuel rod, or N/A if no rod.
Example: "rbmk_fuel_hep" = "High Enriched Plutonium-239 RBMK Fuel Rod"
getModerated() If the rod is moderated. boolean
getCoordinates() Global position of the column in the world.
Return Values for getCoordinates()
Index Value Type
1 X Coordinate number
2 Y Coordinate number
3 Z Coordinate number
list (number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getHeat()
2 getSkinHeat()
3 getCoreHeat()
4 getFluxSlow()
5 getFluxFast()
6 getDepletion()
7 getXenonPoison()
8 getType()
9 getModerated()
10-12 getCoordinates()

RBMK Control Rod

  • Component Name: "rbmk_control_rod"
Callback Return Type
getHeat() Column heat in °C. number (double)
getLevel() Control rod height in %. number (double)
getTargetLevel() Control rod target height in %. number (double)
setLevel(number) Accepts one argument from 0-100% and sets the control rod target to the passed value. Returns true. boolean (accepts number (double))
getColor() Control rod color. number
getCoordinates() Global position of the column in the world.
Return Values for getCoordinates()
Index Value Type
1 X Coordinate number
2 Y Coordinate number
3 Z Coordinate number
list (number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getHeat()
2 getLevel()
3 getTargetLevel()
4-6 getCoordinates()

RBMK Steam Channel

  • Component Name: "rbmk_boiler"
Callback Return Type
getHeat() Column heat in °C. number (double)
getSteam() Steam in the column in mB. number
getSteamMax() Maximum Steam that can be stored in the column in mB. number
getWater() Water in the column in mB. number
getWaterMax() Maximum Water that can be stored in the column in mB. number
getSteamType() Steam type in a number.
Steam Types
Index Type
0 Steam
1 Dense Steam
2 Super Dense Steam
3 Ultra Dense Steam
setSteamType(number) Accepts one argument from 0-3 and sets the steam type to the passed value based on the above table. Returns true. boolean (accepts number)
getCoordinates() Global position of the column in the world.
Return Values for getCoordinates()
Index Value Type
1 X Coordinate number
2 Y Coordinate number
3 Z Coordinate number
list (number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getHeat()
2 getSteam()
3 getSteamMax()
4 getWater()
5 getWaterMax()
6 getSteamType()
7-9 getCoordinates()

RBMK Cooler

  • Component Name: "rbmk_cooler"
Callback Return Type
getHeat() Column heat in °C. number (double)
getCryo() Amount of Cryogel in the column in mB. number (double)
getCryoMax() Maximum amount of Cryogel that can be stored in the column in mB. number (double)
getCoordinates() Global position of the column in the world.
Return Values for getCoordinates()
Index Value Type
1 X Coordinate number
2 Y Coordinate number
3 Z Coordinate number
list (number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getHeat()
2 getCryo()
3 getMaxCryo()
4-6 getCoordinates()

RBMK Heater

  • Component Name: "rbmk_heater"
Callback Return Type
getHeat() Column heat in °C. number (double)
getFill() Input fluid in the column in mB. number
getFillMax() Maximum input fluid that can be stored in the column in mB. number
getExport() Output fluid in the column in mB. number
getExportMax() Maximum output fluid that can be stored in the column in mB. number
getFillType() Type of fluid in the input tank (unlocalized).
Example: "Coolant" = "COOLANT"
getExportType() Type of fluid in the output tank (unlocalized).
Example: "Hot Coolant" = "COOLANT_HOT"
getCoordinates() Global position of the column in the world.
Return Values for getCoordinates()
Index Value Tyoe
1 X Coordinate number
2 Y Coordinate number
3 Z Coordinate number
list (number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getHeat()
2 getFill()
3 getFillMax()
4 getExport()
5 getExportMax()
6 getFillType()
7 getExportType()
8-10 getCoordinates()

RBMK Irradiator

  • Component Name: "rbmk_outgasser"
Callback Return Type
getGas() Gas in the output tank of the column in mB. number
getGasMax() Maximum gas in the output tank of the column in mB. number
getGasType() Type of gas in the output tank of the column.
Example: "High-Performance Solvent" = "RADIOSOLVENT"
getProgress() Progress of irradiation in the column (out of 10000). number
getCoordinates() Global position of the column in the world.
Return Values for getCoordinates()
Index Value Type
1 X Coordinate number
2 Y Coordinate number
3 Z Coordinate number
list (number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getGas()
2 getGasMax()
3 getGasType()
4 getProgress()
5-7 getCoordinates()

RBMK Crane

  • Component Name: "rbmk_crane"
Callback Return Type
move(string) Accepts one argument. Returns nil if success, "Crane not found" if failed.
Input Arguments
Value Operation
"up" Moves crane 1/20th of a block upwards.
"down" Moves crane 1/20th of a block downwards.
"left" Moves crane 1/20th of a block left.
"right" Moves crane 1/20th of a block right.
nil; (accepts string)
load() Load a rod from the fuel rod below into the crane. Returns nil if success, "Crane not found" if failed. nil
getDepletion() Enrichment of the rod inside the crane, "N/A" if no rod. string
getXenonPoison() Xenon poisoning of the rod inside the crane, "N/A" if no rod. number
getCranePos() Global position of the crane.
Return Values for getCranePos()
Index Value Type
1 X Coordinate number
2 Z Coordinate number
list (number)

Miscellaneous Reactors


  • Component Name: "zirnox_reactor"
Callback Return Type
getTemp() Reactor heat in °C. number
getPressure() Reactor pressure in bar. number
getWater() Reactor Water level in mB. number
getSteam() Reactor Steam level in mB. number
getCarbonDioxide() Reactor carbon dioxide level in mB. number
isActive() If reactor is active (rods raised). boolean
setActive(boolean) Accepts one argument. Activates/deactivates the reactor. nil; (accepts boolean)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getTemp()
2 getPressure()
3 getWater()
4 getSteam()
5 getCarbonDioxide()
6 isActive()

Research Reactor

  • Component Name: "research_reactor"
Callback Return Type
getTemp() Reactor heat in °C. number
getLevel() Reactor control rod level in %. number (double)
getTargetLevel() Reactor control rod target in %. number (double)
getFlux() Reactor flux. number
setLevel(number) Accepts one argument 0-100%. Sets the reactor control rod target extraction to the passed value. nil; (accepts number (double))
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getTemp()
2 getLevel()
3 getTargetLevel()
4 getFlux()

Reactor Control

  • Component Name: "reactor_control"
Callback Return Type
isLinked() If the controller is connected to a reactor. boolean
getReactor() Linked reactor's values.
Return Values for getReactor()
Index Value Type
1 Reactor rod level in % (0 if unlinked). number (double)
2 Reactor flux (0 if unlinked). number
3 Reactor heat * 0.00002 * 980 + 20 (0 if unlinked). number
list (number)
getTargetLevel() Reactor control rod target in %. number (double)
setParams(number, number, number, number, number) Accepts five arguments. Sets the automatic control settings for the controller.
Input Arguments
Index Argument Type
1 New function type.
Function Types
Value Function type
0 Linear
1 Quadratic
2 Logarithmic
number (0-2)
2 Maximum heat. number (0-9999)
3 Minimum heat. number (0-9999)
4 Level at maximum heat. number (0-100%)
5 Level at minimum heat. number (0-100%)
getParams() Returns the parameters of the automatic control in the format of the above table. list (number)

Breeding Reactor

  • Component Name: "breeding_reactor"
Callback Return Type
getFlux() Current incoming flux into the reactor. number
getProgress() Breeding progress from 0-1. number (float)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getFlux()
2 getProgress()

DFC Components

DFC Emitter

  • Component Name: "dfc_emitter"
Callback Return Type
getEnergyInfo() Energy information.
Return Values for getEnergyInfo()
Index Value Type
1 Current power stored in HE. number
2 Maximum power that can be stored in HE. number
getCryogel() Current Cryogel level in the emitter in mB. number
getInput() Emitter output in %. number
isActive() If the emitter is active. boolean
setActive(boolean) Accepts one argument. Activates/deactivates the reactor based on the passed value. nil; (accepts boolean)
setInput(number) Accepts one argument. Sets the emitter power to the passed value (0-100%). nil; (accepts number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1-2 getEnergyInfo()
3 getCryogel()
4 getInput()
5 isActive()

DFC Stabilizer

  • Component Name: "dfc_stabilizer"
Callback Return Type
getEnergyInfo() Energy information.
Return Values for getEnergyInfo()
Index Value Type
1 Current power stored in HE. number
2 Maximum power that can be stored in HE. number
getInput() Stabilizer output in %. number
getDurability() Durability of the lens, returns "N/A" if no lens. number
setInput() Accepts one argument. Sets the stabilizer output to the passed value (0-100%). nil; (accepts number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1-2 getEnergyInfo()
3 getInput()
4 getDurability()

DFC Injector

  • Component Name: "dfc_injector"
Callback Return Type
getFirstFuel() Current amount of fuel in the first tank in mB. number
getSecondFuel() Current amount of fuel in the second tank in mB. number
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getFirstFuel()
2 getSecondFuel()

DFC Receiver

  • Component Name: "dfc_receiver"
Callback Return Type
getEnergyInfo() Energy information.
Return Values for getEnergyInfo()
Index Value Type
1 Current power stored in HE. number
2 Maximum power stored in HE. number
getCryogel() Amount of Cryogel in the receiver's tank. number
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1-2 getEnergyInfo()
3 getCryogel()



Callback Return Type
getFluidStored() Current amount of fluid stored inside the tank in mB. number
getMaxFluidStored() Maximum amount of fluid that can be stored inside the tank in mB. number
getTypeStored() Type of fluid in the tank (unlocalized).
Example: "Reformate Gas" = "REFORMGAS"
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getFluidStored()
2 getMaxFluidStored()
3 getTypeStored()

Fluid Duct Gauge

  • Component Name: "ntm_fluid_gauge"
Callback Return Type
getTransfer() Amount of fluid being transferred through the network in mB/t and mB/s.
Return values for getTransfer()
Index Value Type
1 Transfer rate in mB/t. number
2 Transfer rate in mB/s. number
list (number)
getFluid() Type of fluid in the network (unlocalized).
Example: "Desulfurized Crude Oil" = "OIL_DS"
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1-2 getTransfer()
3 getFluid()


Energy Storage Block

  • Component Name: "ntm_energy_storage"
Callback Return Type
getEnergyInfo() Energy information.
Return Values for getEnergyInfo()
Index Value Type
1 Current power stored in HE. number
2 Maximum power stored in HE. number

This function is for compatibility between components; output is equal to getEnergyInfo().

Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1-2 getEnergyInfo()


  • Applies to all turbines.
  • Component Name: "ntm_turbine"
Callback Return Type
getFluid() Fluid information.
Return Values for getFluid()
Index Value Type
1 Current Steam in the input tank in mB. number
2 Maximum amount of Steam that can be stored in the input tank in mB. number
3 Current amount of Low-Pressure Steam in the output tank in mB. number
4 Maximum amount of Low-Pressure Steam that can be stored in the output tank in mB. number
getType() Steam type in a number.
Steam Types
Index Type
0 Steam
1 Dense Steam
2 Super Dense Steam
3 Ultra Dense Steam
setType(number) Accepts one argument. Sets the steam type of the turbine based on the passed argument and the above table. nil; (accepts number)
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1-4 getFluid()
5 getType()

Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT)

  • Component Name: "ntm_gas_turbine"
Callback Return Type
getFluid() Fluid information.
Return Values for getFluid()
Index Value Type
1 Current amount of gas in the fuel tank in mB. number
2 Maximum amount of gas that can be stored in the fuel tank in mB. number
3 Current amount of Engine Lubricant in mB. number
4 Maximum amount of Engine Lubricant that can be stored in mB. number
5 Current amount of Water in the tank in mB. number
6 Maximum amount of Water that can be stored in the tank in mB. number
7 Current amount of Steam in the tank in mB. number
8 Maximum amount of Steam that can be stored in the tank in mB. number
list (number)
getType() Type of gas in the turbine (unlocalized).
Example: "Reformate Gas" = "REFORMGAS"
getPower() Current power stored in HE. number
getThrottle() Current turbine throttle (0-100%). number
getState() Current turbine state.
Turbine States
Value State
0 Turbine is shut down.
-1 Turbine is currently starting up.
1 Turbine is online and running.
getAuto() If the turbine's automatic mode is enabled. boolean
setThrottle() Accepts one argument from 0-100% and sets the turbine throttle to the passed value. nil; (accepts number)
setAuto() Accepts one argument (true/false) and enables/disables the turbine automatic mode based on the passed value. nil; (accepts boolean)
start() Starts the turbine (if possible). nil
stop() Stops the turbine. nil
Return Values for getInfo()
Index Value
1 getThrottle()
2 getState()
3-10 getFluid()


Radar/Large Radar

  • Component Name: "ntm_radar"
Callback Return Type
getSettings() Returns the current scanning settings for the radar.
Return Values for getSettings()
Index Value Type
1 If the radar is scanning for missiles. boolean
2 If the radar is scanning for artillery shells. boolean
3 If the radar is scanning for players. boolean
4 If the radar is scanning for missiles that have an upwards Y trajectory (Smart Mode). boolean
setSettings() Sets the scanning settings for the radar.
Input Arguments
Index Argument Type
1 Missile scan mode. boolean
2 Artillery shell scan mode. boolean
3 Player scan mode. boolean
4 Smart mode. boolean
getRange(number) Gets the range of the current type of radar. This can either be 1,000 for the normal radar, or 3,000 for the large radar. number
getEnergyInfo() Energy information.
Return Values for getEnergyInfo()
Index Value Type
1 Current power stored in HE. number
2 Maximum power stored in HE. number
isJammed() If the radar is currently jammed by Digamma Radiation. boolean
getAmount() Part of the foundation for radar compatibility. Returns the amount of entities detected by the radar (missiles, players, shells, etc.). number
isIndexPlayer() Part of the indexing system for radar compatibility. Accepts a number as an index, finds the entity at that index, and then returns true if it is a player, false otherwise. Will return {nil, "No entity exists at that index."} if the index is out-of-bounds. boolean; (accepts number)
getIndexType() Part of the indexing system for radar compatibility. Accepts a number as an index, finds the entity at that index, and then returns the "blip level" of the entity. {nil, "No entity exists at that index."} if the index is out-of-bounds.
Radar Blip Level
Value Entity Type
0 Tier 0 Missile (Micro Missile Assemblies).
1 Tier 1 Missile.
2 Tier 2 Missile.
3 Tier 3 Missile.
4 Tier 4 Missile (Nuclear/Doomsday).
5 Size 10 Custom Missiles.
6 Size 10/15 Custom Missiles.
7 Size 15 Custom Missiles.
8 Size 15/20 Custom Missiles.
9 Size 20 Custom Missiles.
10 AB (Anti-Ballistic) Missiles.
11 Player.
12 Artillery Shells.
number; (accepts number)
getEntityAtIndex() Part of the indexing system for radar compatibility. Accepts a number as an index, finds the entity at that index, then returns information on the entity. Will return {nil, "No entity exists at that index."} if the index is out-of-bounds.
Return Values for getEntityAtIndex()
Index Value Type
1 If the entity selected is a player. boolean
2 X-Position of the entity. number
3 Y-Position of the entity. number
4 Z-Position of the entity. number
5 "Blip Level" of the entity. number
6 Name of the entity (only applies to when a player is detected). string
list; (accepts number)


Base Turret

Component name "ntm_turret"

This API should apply to all turrets

Callback Return Type
setActive(boolean) Turns the turret on or off nil
isActive() Gets whether the turret is on or off boolean
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Stored Energy number
2 Max Energy number
getWhitelist() Returns a table of authorized user names table
removeWhiteList(string) Attempts to remove a user from the whitelist. Returns true on success, false if user not in list. boolean
setTargeting(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) Sets whether or not to target players, animals, mobs, and machines. Arguments are ordered in respect to the list. nil
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Target Players boolean
2 Target Animals boolean
3 Target Mobs boolean
4 Target Machines boolean
hasTarget() Returns true if turret is tracking a target, otherwise returns false boolean
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Pitch number
2 Yaw number
isAligned() Returns true if the turret is aligned with the target, otherwise returns false boolean


Component "ntm_artillery"

Extends turret API

Applies to both rocket and cannon artillery

Callback Return Type
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Y Coordinate number
3 Target Z Coordinate number
getTargetDistance() Returns direct distance to target number

Rocket Artillery

Extends Artillery API

Callback Return Type
addCoords(number, number, number)
Argument Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Y Coordinate number
3 Target Z Coordinate number

Cannon Artillery

Extends Artillery API

Callback Return Type
addCoords(number, number, number)
Argument Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Y Coordinate number
3 Target Z Coordinate number

Returns true if target is in range, returns false if target out of range


Launch Pads

Large Launch Pad

Used for launching custom missiles

Component name "ntm_custom_launch_pad"

Callback Return Type
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Can launch boolean
2 Is missile valid boolean
3 Has designator boolean
4 Has fuel boolean
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Z Coordinate number

Returns the above list if there is a designator with set coordinates, returns false if no coordinates are set or designator is missing.

list or boolean
Argument Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Z Coordinate number

Returns true on success, returns false if designator is missing.

launch() Returns true on success, otherwise returns false. boolean

Generic Missile Launch Pads

Includes "Launch Pad" and "Silo Launch Pad"

Used for launching generic missiles

Component name "ntm_launch_pad"

Callback Return Type
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Amount of fluid in first tank number
2 Max amount of fluid in first tank number
3 Unlocalized name of fluid in first tank string
4 Amount of fluid in second tank number
5 Max amount of fluid in second tank number
6 Unlocalized name of fluid in second tank string
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Stored Energy number
2 Max Energy number
canLaunch() Returns false if missile is not valid, missile has no fuel, or any other conditions exist preventing launch. boolean
getTier() Returns the missile tier. number
Argument Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Z Coordinate number
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Target X Coordinate number
2 Target Z Coordinate number

Returns the above list on success, returns false if missile is not valid, missile has no fuel, or any other conditions exist preventing launch.

list or boolean


Callback Return Type
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Receiving Channel string
2 Sending Channel string
Argument Values
Index Value Type
1 New Receiving Channel string
2 New Sending Channel string
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Previous Receiving Channel string
2 Previous Sending Channel string
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Row 1 text string
2 Row 2 text string
3 Row 3 text string
4 Row 4 text string
5 Row 5 text string
Return Values
Index Value Type
1 Row 1 text string
2 Row 2 text string
3 Row 3 text string
4 Row 4 text string
5 Row 5 text string
Argument Values
Index Value Type
1 Row 1 text string
2 Row 2 text string
3 Row 3 text string
4 Row 4 text string
5 Row 5 text string
printMessage() Prints the last received message nil
clearAll() Clear receiving buffer nil
sendMessage() Sends the message that is in the buffer boolean