
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Deuterium Fluid Icon
Made With/ByDeuterium Cells, Cryo-Electrolysis
Exists in RealityYes
Renewable?Somewhat renewable
Flammable5.0 kTU
Combustible10.0 kHE
Provides 5.0kTU per bucket
Provides 10.0kHE per bucket
Fuel grade High
Hbm's Nuclear Tech
Fire Diamond
NFPA 704
NFPA 704 four-colored diamondHealth 3: Short exposure could cause serious temporary or residual injury. E.g. chlorine gasFlammability 4: Will rapidly or completely vaporize at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature, or is readily dispersed in air and will burn readily. Flash point below 23 °C (73 °F). E.g. propaneInstability 0: Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water. E.g. liquid nitrogenSpecial hazards (white): no code

In Nuclear Tech Mod, Deuterium is an important fluid, being primarily used as fuel in the Fusion Reactor, alongside Tritium to produce Deuterium-Tritium Plasma (see Plasma Heater).

Deuterium is a dark-blue, flammable, combustible gas with a high fuel grade, providing 5.0kTU and 10.0kHE per bucket. Although being stated as a high fuel grade gas, Deuterium is not efficient to produce energy as stated earlier by how much energy it produces per bucket, the "high" fuel grade can probably be linked to the fact it is used in the Fusion Reactor as its main fuel.


Deuterium can be produced in a few ways, two of those being in machines called the Deuterium Extractor and the Deuterium Extraction Tower, where regular Water goes in, and outputs Heavy Water, which is the product used to produce Deuterium.

With the Heavy Water, you can make Deuterium in a Chemical Plant in the following way:

Chemical Plant Recipes
Inputs Recipe
Chemistry Template: Heavy Water Cryo-Electrolysis

Production Time: 7.5 seconds

Inputs: Heavy Water

Produces: Deuterium, Liquid Oxygen

Heavy Water
Liquid Oxygen

Another way of producing Deuterium is through the Electrolysis Machine, with an identical recipe to the above chemical plant recipe.


Deuterium has a few ways of being used, primarily, as stated earlier, Deuterium is used alongside Tritium in the Plasma Heater, a machine used also with the Fusion Reactor to produce all the different plasmas the mod offers. But other than that it also has a few other uses, some of them being in a Assembly Machine, these are all ways it can be used in the machine:

Assembly Machine Recipes
Inputs Recipe
Assembly Template: Thermonuclear Warhead

Production Time: 25.0 seconds

Thermonuclear Warhead
Assembly Template: Tritium-Deuterium-Cake

Production Time: 7.5 seconds

Assembly Template: Deuterium Tank

Production Time: 10.0 seconds

Iron Plate12
Steel Plate16
Deuterium Cell10
Deuterium Tank
Assembly Template: Plasma Grenade

Production Time: 15.0 seconds

Tritium Cell
Plasma Grenade2

And another use of Deuterium is in a regular Crafting Table. Being used to make a Makeshift Energy Core, a item used to power machines, and armors. It is made in the following recipe:

Advanced Alloy Plate
Super Conducting Coil
Super Conductor
Tungsten Ingot
Tritium CellDeuterium Cell
Deuterium CellTritium Cell
Advanced Alloy Plate
Super Conducting Coil
Super Conductor
Makeshift Energy Core

Note: The Tritium and Deuterium cells can be switched places, still being able to produce the Makeshift Energy Core.


  • A "Deuterium Tank" item is one of the main ingredients used to explode the Ivy Mike bomb, just like in real life, which the real explosive used as a fusion fuel for the reaction.


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