Poisonous Mud

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Poisonous Mud
[Strongly Corrosive]
When spilled:
- 0.0005 POISON per mB
Hbm's Nuclear Tech

Poisonous mud is a special type of waste/biproduct produced by few means in the mod. It is highly corrosive to granular blocks like dirt and gravel and can slowly corrode stone into cobblestone.


It is only produced with the Watz Power Plant.


It is primarily used in the crucible to be alloyed with magnetized tungsten at a 3:6 ratio into CMB Steel, an uncommon high durability metal.

alternately, it can be centrifuged to produce lots of dust, lead, iron, and some tiny piles of nuclear waste

In case of truly ludicrous amounts, it can be put into the specific Mud Containers (hold up to 64,000mb) to be easily incinerated.


  • In older versions of the mod, it was a byproduct of dynosytheis preformed in the chemical plant.
  • It is highly acidic, meaning it requires Technetium Steel barrels to hold it.
  • What it consists of is of question, but since it can only be obtained from the Watz plant, it's probably mostly dust, lead, some radioactive elements, and presumably a miscellaneous collection of toxic materials and particulates.