Energy Storage Block
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Energy storage blocks are basically a block form of a battery. There are 6 types of energy storage block: the 'Potato Battery Block' (10 thousand HE), the 'Energy Storage Block' (1 million HE), the 'Li-Ion Energy Storage Block' (50 million HE), the 'Schrabidium Energy Storage Block' (25 billion HE), the 'Spark Energy storage block' (1 trillion HE), and the FEnSU (~9.2 quintillion HE). Most are also far more cost-effective than item batteries, being cheaper and having a far higher energy capacity. Most battery types have this block form, the exception being redstone and steam. Also, the FEnSU has no (official) item battery form.
The Energy Storage Blocks store varying amounts of power and can charge batteries, machines, and tools such as the 'Impact Drill'.
The Storage block works by charging it with either a battery or by connecting it (with a Red Copper Cable) to a power source such as a Combustion Generator or an RF to HE converter.
The Storage block's mode (input, output, buffer, none) can be switched using redstone signal and the internal buttons setting for each mode based on said signal.
Most of the mid-tier blocks follow a template of the following: 4 non-conductive ingots for the casing (presumably), 24 powders of two types (e.g. 12 of [a] & 12 of [b]) for internal power storage chemistry, 2 conductive ingots (presumably for the electrode), and 4 wires (for, well, wiring).
Potato Battery Block

The Potato Battery Block is the easiest type of energy storage block to craft. The crafting recipe is:

The total capacity for this block is 10kHE (10,000 HE), which makes this energy storage block one hundred times smaller than its successor, the Energy Storage Block. It sports a wooden structure with a picture of a potato on the top. This block can be useful for powering machinery that uses very little power, like the Shredder, or Oil Refinery.
Energy Storage Block

The "default" and generic Energy Storage Block (lead-acid battery) is the second tier of the energy storage blocks. It can hold a total of 1MHE (1,000,000 HE), making it one hundred times larger than its predecessor. It is more expensive to make than the Potato Battery Block, as you'll need:

Additionally, you will need to use an Assembly Machine in order to craft this block. The block sports a white and orange texture. Energy Storage Blocks are good for many applications, such as Assembly Machines, Electric Furnaces, Electric Presses, Missile Launch Pads, and many other machines that draw medium amounts of power. Energy Storage Blocks can also be found in abandoned factories, crashed spaceships, and other world generated structures.
Li-Ion Energy Storage Block

The Lithium-Ion Energy Storage Block carries 50 times the amount than the default Energy Storage Block, with a total energy capacity of 50 MHE (50,000,000 HE). The block can be assembled using:

The block's appearance is gray and white, with all of the same markings the Energy Storage Block has. This block is great for powering multiple machines at once and for storing larger amounts of energy from machines like Geothermal Electric Generators.
Schrabidium Energy Storage Block

The Schrabidium Energy Storage Block is the fourth tier Energy Storage Block. It can hold an impressive 25 GHE (25,000,000,000 HE), being five hundred times larger than its predecessor. It proves to be a more advanced build as it is assembled using:

The appearance of this block is a blue and orange theme of the default Energy Storage Block. These Energy Blocks are very useful for storing large amounts of HE from machines like Nuclear Reactors, Turbofans, and the Watz Power Plant.
Spark Energy Storage Block

The Spark Energy Storage Block is the fifth and final tier for standard Energy Storage Blocks. It can carry a whopping 1 THE (1,000,000,000,000 HE), making it 40 times larger than the Schrabidium Energy Storage Block. With it being exceptional in energy storage, it is extremely pricey. It is crafted using:

Its appearance sports a purple tint with the letter 'E' on the side and the spark symbol on the top. It is useful for storing HE from machines that produce extreme amounts of HE like the Fusion Reactor and Fusionary Watz Plant.
Ferriswheel Electronium Storage Unit (FEnSU)

FEnSU is the ultimate and final tier of the storage units, being the only Multiblock storage units of the list. It can store the pseudo-infinite amount of 9.22 exaHE (9,220,000,000,000,000,000 HE), making it superior to the spark one by 9,220,000 times. It's useful for storing HE from everything, even the DFC.
Its crafting recipe is simply absurd, the following recipe assembles the FEnSU:

NOTE: it takes 6 and a half days for a DFC with 1 emitter, max output possible, in order to fill the Ferriswheel completely, you surely will be able to power all your world with only this storage unit.
- The FEnSU's max power is actually the maximum signed long (64-bit integer) value in Java, which is , so it's max power is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to be precise.
- This is also the largest number possible in Java (and in a lot of other languages) for a primitive. While BigInteger is theoretically capable of storing absolutely gargantuan numbers in this context far larger than a long, there is really no need and it likely wouldn't be compatible with the energy system.
- The most powerful reactor, DFC, needs 6 and a half days in order to fill the FEnSU completely, taking into account that we use only 1 emitter, but with the best setup possible being: the DFC having a thingy and BF and Antischrabidium fuels, max power output for all machines.
- The spark storage unit is excessively expensive compared to its 3 predecessors, not following the others' pattern either, surely being for it being a lot more powerful than the rest, although is nothing compared to the FEnSU.