Magnetized Tungsten

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Magnetized Tungsten
Made With/ByAlloying
Difficulty of ProductionMedium-Hard
Exists in RealityNo
Atomic NumberN/A

Magnetized tungsten is a tungsten alloy with trace amounts of schrabidium-326 added. The added schrabidium greatly enhances the tungsten's durability, conductivity, heat resistance, and magnetism. The schrabidium also causes the tungsten to appear lighter, closer to the color of steel. It can be identified as it has little "stripes" of schrabidium in both ingot and block form, likely a result of the magnetism and schrabidium color.


It is most easily created by combining a tungsten ingot with a schrabidium nugget in a blast furnace.

The crucible is slightly more efficient, only requiring 8 tungsten nuggets.
