
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Be positive! Unlike this thing, which is all negative!
Made With/ByMagic
Difficulty of ProductionExtremely Hard
Exists in RealityNo
Atomic NumberN/A

Electronium is the superior end-game material that is extremely difficult to obtain. Made from dineutronium and ionized particles, this material can store unbelievable amounts of energy.


1 electronium ingot can be crafted in the Book of Boxcars GUI by placing 2 dineutronium Ingots in the 2 bottom crafting slots and 2 ionized particles in the 2 top crafting slots.


The electronium ingot can be used to craft 2 things, the FEnSU which is the best energy storage block in the entire mod and the digamma laser crystal used in the FEL.


  • It's completely composed of electrons, somehow it doesn't fly apart due to all the particles having the same charge.
  • It's supposedly the ultimate material, being superior to dineutronium in terms of power storage, though it only has two uses.