
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Cube of lithium
Made With/ByMining
Default Ore Veins per Chunk6 (in schist)
Ore Vein Size6 (in schist)
Difficulty of ProductionMedium
Exists in RealityYes
Atomic Number3

Lithium is a semi-rare white alkali metal element that has specialized uses. It is generally difficult to directly produce, but it is a common minor byproduct of ore processing, with the yield increasing with more purification efforts. As an alkali metal, it is extremely hydrophobic and will explode if wet.


  • By shredding schist rock.
  • Nether quartz ore gives small amounts when centrifuged.
  • It can sometimes be acquired via meteorites' meteor ore and rarer naturally occurring schist ore.
  • It can be found in trace amounts when you centrifuge or electrolyze most crystals.


Its dust form is used with cobalt to make lithium-ion batteries.

It is used in thermonuclear warheads to create tritium on the spot and initiate the secondary stage fusion-reaction.

When put in rods and bred, it becomes tritium for use in fusion reactors or the Custom Nuke.

It itself can be used in the Custom Nuke. It contributes 20 to the hydrogen/thermonuclear stage.


  • Instead of having an ingot form, it has a "cube" form. It functions identically otherwise.
  • Explodes violently when exposed to water, be careful exploring and bring an umbrella.
    • The block form releases smoke particles when exposed to rain.
  • Since it is hydrophobic and generally highly reactive, it is often stored in an inert gas or oil.

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