
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Made With/ByVarious, commonly mining
Difficulty of ProductionVery Easy
Exists in RealityYes
Atomic Number16

Sulfur (sulphur, in British English) is an common non-metal element. It is known for its yellow color and fowl odor. It can be found in a lot of foods, specifically egg yolks, of which they derive their yellow color. Its formations are usually near lava and it is quite abundant in the Nether. Other than those locations, sulfur is rather uncommon, it can be purified out of crude oil in large quantities, but that requires the oil refinery.


  • Sulfur is mostly found by mining sulfur ore, which by itself gives only up to 3 pieces of sulfur dust. If it is processed through crystallization and centrifugal forces, it can generate 8 sulfur dusts.
  • Other realistic means of obtaining sulfur include using the SILEX to process lapis or it dust, or by processing copper crystals.
  • Unrealistic ways to obtain sulfur is by bombarding quartz dust with a box of beryllium dust in a cyclotron.


  • Primarily used in lead-acid batteries (advanced batteries or the standard energy storage block) and such. It can also be used for a substitute for yellow dye.
  • Sulfur is necessary for yellowcake, a critical step in uranium processing and enrichment, and in schrabidium trisulfide for ferric schrabidate production.
  • Can be bombarded in a cyclotron with carbon dust to create titanium dust.

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