Cadmium Steel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Cadmium Steel
Made With/ByAlloying
Difficulty of ProductionMedium-Hard
Exists in RealityYes
Atomic NumberN/A

Cadmium Steel is an alloy made from cadmium and steel, it is used as a substitute for technetium steel.


Cadmium Steel is made by combining a nugget of cadmium with steel in a blast furnace or through a crucible, this yields an ingot of Cadmium Steel.

Crucible Alloying

+ Cadmium

8 Nuggets
1 Nugget
1 Ingot


Cadmium Steel is a material interchangeable with technetium steel in almost all recipes, including but not limited to: reactor remote control blocks, moderated RBMK fuel rods, the Gas Centrifuge Overclock Upgrade, the magnetic extractor and the reinforced block of Niter.