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A DFC Reactor with lithium catalysts
The Dark Fusion Core (DFC) is the ultimate reactor of the mod, capable of generating many GHEs of power per tick, even in weak configurations. In terms of power generation, it is likely the only reactor one would ever need. It has 10 fuel types.
It has a proclivity for "melting down" violently via Fölkvangr Field.
The core is where the main reaction occurs and is the namesake of the reactor. It requires 2 reaction catalysts and core item to properly operate in addition to the rest of the components.
It receives an energy beam sent by the emitter (explained below) which triggers the reaction and increases the power of the beam by a significant amount, for it to be absorbed by a receiver (also explained below).
The GUI for the core has 4 indicators: fuel type #1, fuel type #2, restriction field strength, and heat saturation. While running, the core's size varies depending on the fuel amount, with its maximum size being if fuel is at maximum, shrinking as its internal fuel reserve does. If the restriction field reaches 0%, the DFC explodes. Heat saturation shows how many chained emitters can be added to the core (explained later), if it reaches 100%, it will also explode.
Warning: While running, the core will set nearby players and entities on fire and deal large amounts of damage if they aren't properly protected with hazard gear.
Chained emitter example, the gaps are for demonstration purposes only and are not required
The emitter is the component that supplies the core with the energy to trigger its reaction. It must be constantly cooled with cryogel while running, otherwise it will immediately melt into a lava source block. As noted above, it is possible to chain multiple emitters together by pointing them into one another and into a primary emitter aimed at a core, however, the efficiency of energy from chained emitters is only 90%, though this is likely insignificant compared to the energy output of the core itself.
The output level of an emitter can be adjusted between 1 - 100% (with 0% being off).
Warning: The beam also deals 50 damage to players and destroys most blocks that don't have very high blast resistance.
The receiver is the component that absorbs the generated energy from the core and outputs it as electricity. Do note to properly point this component to where the beam will arrive from, otherwise it'll be destroyed. This component also requires Cryogel cooling like the emitter or it too will melt.
The stabilizer contains the reaction of the core (noted by the restriction field level) and prevents it from exploding in normal operating ranges. It requires a lens to operate, which will eventually need to be replaced, though, it has very high durability. It also has an adjustable output between 1 - 100%, with higher levels providing higher core restriction at the cost of more energy and lens durability consumed.
Fuel Injector
The fuel injector is how the core receives its 2 fuel types. It does not have any slots for fluid containers, so fuel can only be supplied externally via pipes. The fluid types can be changed via fluid identifiers, which will automatically update the core's fuel types.
It does not require power.
Tungsten Crate
The tungsten crate is an alternative to the receiver, instead of producing electricity from the beam, it can use the heat it produces to instantly smelt items and to create special materials like yharonite.
List of all compatible fuels, from best to worst. The number is the energy multiplier the fuel provides, which is used in the power generation calculations.
Place a fuel injector at the x,z position you desire the core to be at, then you can place a receiver or Tungsten crate at an appropriate position and desired height at most 15 blocks away pointed at the center. Place the emitter and stabilizers in similar positions and heights. Finally, place a core in the direct center right above the fuel injector at the right height (using temporary scaffolding if necessary).
While there is a 15 block maximum distance, there is no minimum distance, meaning it is possible to make it highly compact in a 3x3 space.
Remember to have stabilizers online at all times and it is good practice to have a backup running, which is why most designs have 2 stabilizers, besides for symmetry.
A High Energy Field Jammer can prevent much of the destruction from a Fölkvangr Field, but the core will still be destroyed.
Power Generation
The following formula is used by the code to calculate the amount of power to generate per second:
E represents energy output in HE.
w represents the input energy from the emitter(s).
f1 represents the first fuel's energy multiplier.
f2 represents the second fuel's energy multiplier.
c represents the core type's multiplier.
Core Types
Vibrant Singularity
Tiny Wormhole
Eye of Harmony
Pros and Cons
Generates ludicrous amounts of energy, even when compared to the input.
Can be scaled to an excessive degree.
Required for a few very late-game recipes.
Can be quite compact.
Requires launching of Tom to acquire large amounts of a required resource: Osmiridium
Can destroy a huge amount of area via Fölkvangr Field if any mistake occurs, which are often easy to make.
Needs huge amounts of power just to get the reaction started.
Cannot be within proximity of the core without fire/hazard protection.
According to Bob, the DFC is powered by "Satanic energy", which is why a pentagram can be seen in the fuel injector's GUI.
DFC experimental rendererOn release 1.0.27X3633 (specifically, commit 94c8552/94c8552bc867e5a48f583d2b97c4cfa9346e24b0) on September 20, 2020, the DFC received a special experimental render effect that turned the bright "orb" into a dark one using a similar effect to the End Portal.
It was reverted back to normal on release 1.0.27X3731 (commit 7159f83/7159f83d2d86d566cc1c708f1a5a62247b0dff3a) on December 27, 2020.
On a tangential note, there is a typo in this version that notes itself as version X3365.