Metastable U238 Ingot
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The metastable Uranium-238m2 ingot (U-238-m2 or U-238-2) is a yellow-ish white ingot that is obtained through the Black Book. Once in inventory, it begins decaying fast and steadily. Eventually, if it reaches 100% (takes about 10 seconds), will create an extremely large nuclear explosion.
Step 1 to obtaining this is to find a block of NTM Dirt and right clicking it with the Brittle Spade item. This will drop 3 items, ELEMENTS, ARSENIC and VAULT.
Step 2 is to combine these 3 items in a Book of Boxcars to create 1 Ingot of Metastable U-238-2.
It only has 1 use and that is crafting the FEnSU, the most powerful Energy Storage Block.
As soon as this ingot enters the player's inventory, a countdown begins that is about 10 seconds long. The countdown is a decay meter from 0-100%, as soon as it hits 100% the item is deleted and a large nuclear explosion occurs destroying a big portion of any Minecraft base.
- This material has an unused nugget form. It has an 'X' instead of an isotope 'I' symbol.
Unused nugget texture.