CMB Steel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Combine Steel
TypeSuper Alloy
Made With/ByAlloying
Difficulty of ProductionHard
Exists in RealityNo
Atomic NumberN/A

CMB steel (Combine Steel) is a late-game alloy used to craft late-game items, such as some parts for the DFC or the Spark Energy Storage Block.


CMB Steel is crafted by Crucible Alloying of Magnetized Tungsten and Poisonous Mud in a ratio of 6:3. It exists in block form, so Block Casts can be used to extract it from the Crucible. To obtain Poisonous Mud a Watz Power Plant is required.

It can also be found as cargo from the Asteroid Mining Ship, though will only occasionally generate CMB Steel.


  • Can be used to craft tools and armor from it
  • Used in the crafting recipe for the CMB-Schrabidate Antimatter Laser Crystal, used in the FEL
  • Used in recipes for parts of the Hunter Chopper
  • Used in the recipe for the Spark Energy Storage Block
  • Used to make the 4000K Superconducting Magnet, which is used for the DNT-20Hz Transformer (a component of DFC parts)
  • You can make tiles from CMB Steel, they have a blast resistance of 3000.0 (those can be turned into Reinforced CMB Bricks with 30000.0 blast resistance)
  • Used in the recipe for Contained Counter-Resonant Singularity
  • Used in the recipe for DFC Fuel Injector
  • Used to make the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
  • Used to make the Valve - Vortal Combat music disc


  • Before the alloying method, a machine known as the CMB Steel Furnace was used to make CMB Steel. It was far more expensive in terms of how much Poisonous Mud it needed, as well requiring both advanced alloy and magnetized tungsten, and its recipe included 5 CMB Steel.
  • Before the update that added Dense Pipe recipes for Particle Accelerator coils, CMB Steel was required to make higher-grade coils.
  • It is modeled after a material of a similar appearance from Half-Life 2. It is the primary material the Combine uses in their architecture.
  • Pick up that can.
