Furnaces are the most simple, yet important machines in the mod. They come in many varieties.
Bricked Furnace

The bricked furnace is the simplest of the 7 furnaces. It is able to smelt specific items faster.
It is made in the crafting table:

The bricked furnace is almost the same as the vanilla furnace, but it can smelt construction materials faster, such as sand and cobblestone being smelted at double the speed. Clay and fire clay can be smelted at quadruple the speed, which means that making a full brick block can be done within a vanilla furnace operation. It can also make charcoal at double the speed.
Like the wood burner, it can collect ashes from burnt fuel.
Iron Furnace

The iron furnace is one of the two pseudo-multiblock furnaces. It has the base smelting speed 20% faster than the vanilla furnace, which means it can complete an operation within 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
It is made in the crafting table:

Besides being able to smelt faster, the iron furnace consumes fuel only during operation, so the fuel is never wasted.
It also has burn time bonuses for various kinds of fuel, ranging from +25% for lignite to +100% for solid fuel.
The iron furnace also supports upgrades, so with a Mk.III speed upgrade it can smelt at double the speed, cutting the time to 4 seconds.
Steel Furnace

The steel furnace is the most useful out of the three furnaces, even throughout progression. Unlike the other furnaces however, it runs off of TU, like the boiler. It is the other pseudo-multiblock furnace.
The steel furnace is made in the anvil:

The steel furnace is powered by TU, with a heat transfer rate of ΔT * 0.05 TU/t, which means that it can increase its heat beyond the lower limit only by 5% every tick.
It can also process up to 3 items at a time, but each slot consumes more TU, which makes it slow without a strong heat source
The steel furnace also has a bonus output for ores and wood, where every smelted item gives 25% to the bonus output meter, which means every 4 items give an extra 5th item for free.
Due to it being able to smelt very fast, it can also be used later in the game, such as for automation.
Electric Furnace

The electric furnace is a furnace that is powered by electricity. it is slightly faster than the vanilla furnace without upgrades. it consumes from 1 kHE/s without upgrades up to 4 kHE/s
It is made in the crafting table:

Due to it only being slightly faster than the vanilla furnace, it isn't used much beyond early game, but it can be used in automation, if speed isn't the main objective.
Nuclear Furnace

The nuclear furnace is similar to the vanilla furnace, but takes in nuclear fuel instead of regular solid fuel. It can accept the fuels within single, dual, or quad rods. The nuclear furnace is also much faster than the vanilla furnace.
It is made in the crafting table:

The nuclear fuel can provide a certain number of operations. For example, a nuclear waste quad rod can provide 80 operations in the nuclear furnace.
RTG Furnace

the RTG furnace has a similar theme to the nuclear furnace, but behaves quite differently.Instead of accepting nuclear fuel rods, it accepts RTG pellets which provide a certain heat level.
It is made in the assembly machine:

The RTG furnace has three slots for RTG pellets. Any heat level works, from very slow, with the radium-226 RTG pellet, to insanely fast, with the lead-209 RTG pellet.
However, despite it being very fast with the right pellets, it is incompatible with the conveyor inserters, but vanilla hoppers still work with it.
Arc Furnace

The arc furnace is an enhanced version of the electric furnace, being able to smelt fast via electrodes.
See Arc Furnace for more information.