Wood-Burning Generator

The Wood-Burning Generator is the simplest and easiest power generating machine to produce, requiring no extra components or parts to operate, nor any in-depth knowledge of NTM's mechanics. It can run on any burnable items, akin to a furnace, but provides burn time bonuses to logs and wood. It can also run on any flammable fuel by clicking on the arrow below the on/off switch, but it is considerably more inefficient than other fluid burning generators.
You can create a wood-burning generator in a regular crafting table with the following recipe:

A Wood-Burning Generator is operated by opening its GUI and placing a valid solid fuel into the top slot. The fuel will be automatically consumed once the previous fuel has been fully burnt and generate a timer where it will produce power without consuming more fuel. Once the timer reaches 0, another piece of fuel will be consumed. Fuels will sometimes turn into ash and be placed in the bottom slot after being consumed, which must be periodically cleared in order to maintain continuous operation. A switch is available to begin burning the fuel and turning it into electrical power, which will fill a 100kHE power buffer, which will subsequently flow into other connected machines. If the power buffer is filled, or the switch is turned off, burning will stop automatically, saving fuel.
Certain fuels provide a bonus to operating time, increasing efficiency, these fuels are:
- Logs of any type: +300%
- Wood of any type: +100%
The generator can be switched to burn fluids instead via clicking the arrow in the GUI. In this mode, the machine acts similarly to the flare stack in that it will burn any flammable fuel. Note that some fluids that aren't combustible are still flammable, such as some fluid outputs of the Combination Oven, meaning more fuels can be used; however, fuels that are combustible suffer an energy production penalty when used as a flammable fuel. On top of that, all fuels burned in the wood-burning generator receive a 50% penalty to efficiency.