Solid Fuel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Regular solid fuel
Regular solid fuel

Solid fuel is a type of solidified petroleum, not to be confused with oil tar. It is known for its increased heat output and burn time compared to coal, but only in applicable furnaces. It can also be upgraded to have a significantly increased burn time. The regular type is also a precursor to solid rocket fuel.


It is a solidification product of most petroleum products, with more energy rich ones producing more solid fuel.


Most common uses are burning in a furnace as fuel, but preferably not a vanilla furnace, as it is not efficient enough for the cost. NTM furnaces that allow for fuel bonuses are preferred because they can make more use out of it.

It is also used to make solid rocket fuel, which is the fuel for many small missiles and rockets.

It can also be upgraded into "preso-logs" to greatly increase its burn duration.

Presto Log

Presto log
Presto log

Presto logs are solid fuel items boosted with redstone to increase its burn time.


Solid Fuel
Solid Fuel
Presto Log


It is a fuel with a longer burn time, but without the heat bonus.

It can be further boosted into a "boosted presto-log" using dynamite to increase its burn time even more.

Boosted Presto Logs

Boosted presto log
Boosted presto log

Boosted presto logs are a triplet of the aforementioned presto log, with an ever increased burn time with the dynamite additive.


Presto Log
Presto Log
Presto Log
Boosted Presto Logs
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


It has a highly increased burn time, even compared to the constituent 3 presto logs.

Solid Rocket Fuel

Solid rocket fuel
Solid rocket fuel

Solid rocket fuel is a refined form of regular solid fuel to make it capable of propelling small missiles and rockets, as the name suggests. It can also be used as furnace fuel, if one so desires.



Missile launch pads will require it to fuel and launch solid fuel missiles.

As a furnace fuel, it has a significant heat and burn time boost.

Baleful Solid Fuel

Baleful solid fuel
Baleful solid fuel

Baleful solid fuel is a special variant of solid fuel produced by solidifying BF rocket fuel. It is extremely radioactive, but also an extremely potent furnace fuel.



It is an extremely strong solid fuel source for furnace, though it has a reduced burn time as compensation for the very high heat output bonus.