
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
The Soyuz-FG sitting on its launch pad

The Soyuz-FG rocket is an immensely powerful Soviet rocket that is the primary launch vehicle for all satellites. This capable rocket must be launched from a suitably large mount - in this case, the Soyuz Launch Platform.

It requires 128,000mb of kerosene and liquid oxygen to be launched as well as 750kHE of power. Pressing the launch button starts a 30 second countdown, and will sound 2 alarms: one playing constantly and a louder one playing every 5 seconds. After the countdown has completed, the Soyuz will launch.


The rocket must be assembled in an assembly machine with the following recipe:


Soyuz Launch Platform

The pad to launch from is constructed in the world using a simple to follow template, which is visible after placing the core component:

Military Grade Circuit Board
Power Saving Upgrade Mk.III
Military Grade Circuit Board
Steel Barrel
Steel Scaffold
Steel Barrel
Steel Barrel
Li-Ion Energy Storage Block
Steel Barrel
Soyuz Launcher Core Component

However, whilst it is simple to build, this structure is very large, and therefore requires many blocks. You'll need to craft:

  • 4 stacks + 38 blocks of Concrete.
  • 7 stacks of Launch Pad Scaffold Blocks.
  • 6 stacks + 30 blocks of Launch Pad Component Blocks.
Steel Scaffold
Steel Scaffold
Steel Scaffold
Universal Fluid Duct
Red Copper Cable
Universal Fluid Duct
Steel Scaffold
Steel Scaffold
Steel Scaffold
Launch Pad Scaffold Block8
Steel Plate
Steel Plate
Steel Plate
Steel Scaffold
Steel Pipe
Steel Scaffold
Launch Pad Component Block8

If you're having difficulty sourcing all the required materials, make sure to take advantage of the automation the mod provides!


The Soyuz can - alongside its primary ability to deliver any satellite to orbit - also be set to a cargo mode, in which it can deliver any provided cargo to a distant spot across the world. Obviously, this is an incredibly expensive way to transport goods, and currently doesn't provide much utility.

The Soyuz is also the only rocket able to launch Gerald.


  • There are 2 alternate skins for the Soyuz, they are currently unobtainable.
  • Standing underneath the launch pad as the Soyuz is taking off triggers an event:
    • The player is killed due to the blast of the rockets.
    • A severely distorted version of the Soviet anthem plays.
    • An achievement is obtained.