
Circuits are an essential assembled component in NTM that are used a vast array of machines, items, tools, and more. Each successive tier of circuit will require more complex and a greater amount of resources in order to craft, necessitating an increasing quantity of available resources to meet their new costs. As well as this, certain machines will require circuits in very large quantities, encouraging the automation of certain types.
Note: Soldering Station recipes are position sensitive and will not work if components are placed in the improper place.
Circuit production is contained nearly entirely in the Soldering Station except for the most basic of circuits. This machine behaves very similarly to the arc welder and consumes a moderate to a large amount of power in order to craft the circuit. As well as this, the soldering station accepts fluid inputs as some circuits require acid to produce.
In general, circuit recipes are based upon being made of common components in varying ratios with the inclusion of certain small extra items to act as progression gating and encourage automation of external systems, such as plastic in the Versatile Chipset and Rubber in the Military Grade Circuit.
Circuit Components
Common Components
PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards), capacitors, microchips, and lead wires are components that are shared between many circuit recipes and as such are usually worth automating separately. Some of these components are used in other machines or tools but their primary use is in circuit manufacturing.

Advanced Components
Atomic Clocks and Solid State Quantum Processor components are used for special circuits and Control Units.

General Purpose Circuits
These circuits are found commonly in machine recipes, batch crafting large amounts or automating the production of these circuits is advisable.
Vacuum Tube
Though not technically a circuit, it fills a similar role to all other circuits as an early game electronic component that is not dependent on complex infrastructure to assemble. Used in crafting essential components like the assembly machine, oil refineries, centrifuges, and even the soldering station itself.

Vacuum tubes can additionally be harvested from recycling IBM PCs and satellite dishes found at abandoned buildings scattered around the world.
Analog Circuit Board
The first true circuit board, establishing the general form of all successive circuit recipes (lead wire, common components like capacitors and PCBs) minus the inclusion of the tier of circuit below it (vacuum tubes) as no other later circuits necessitate circuits from the previous tier to craft. Used in crafting certain essential machines and tools such as the oil deposit detector, chemical plant, and the arc furnace which is necessary to create components needed by later tiers of circuit board.

Integrated Circuit Board
The first circuit board to require silicon which requires an arc furnace in order to create. Used extensively in mid game machines, automation devices, missiles, and various small tools such as the geiger counter.

Military Grade Circuit Board
The first circuit board to include a liquid (sulfuric acid) in its recipe along with rubber, necessitating the automation of more complex oil and chemical setups in order to fully automate this circuit. Used the most out of all other circuits with recipes across particle accelerator components, nuclear warheads, advanced reactor components, and more.

Versatile Circuit Board
The final tier of circuit board, requiring bismuth as well as hard plastic which necessitates a post-bismuth oil refinery. As well as this, it is by far the most expensive circuit board, requiring nearly 55 insulators to craft a single one. Used rarely but in small amounts in advanced machines like the fusion reactor and hydrotreater and in large amounts in components for the inertial confinement fusion reactor.

Specialized Circuits
These circuits are used in certain machines that require highly specialized computational hardware.
Capacitor Board
A circuit board only used in four high tier items with the most important being the tectonic warhead and overdrive upgrade.

Quantum Processing Unit
A processing unit used for the inertial confinement fusion reactor core component, and the particle accelerator's particle detector and particle source.

Quantum Computer
A processing unit that is currently only used to build Gerald the construction android.

Control Units
Control units are processing units that are solely used for manufacturing nuclear weapons.
Control Unit Casing
A casing that must be used to craft both types of control units.

Control Unit
The first tier of control unit, used for mid-late game nuclear weapons such as the gadget.

Advanced Control Unit
The second and final tier of control unit, used for late game nuclear weapons such as the Ivy Mike.

- Originally, each circuit required the previous circuit tier in order to assemble, resulting in a rapidly accumulating web of materials that would be necessary for full automation. As such, they were substantially reworked in release
to make full scale automation simpler and to concentrate material requirements into smaller categories. - The correspondence of existing circuits to their previous tiers is as follows
- Basic Circuit -> Vacuum Tube
- Enhanced Circuit -> Analog Circuit
- Advanced Circuit -> Integrated Circuit Board
- Overclocked Circuit -> Military Grade Circuit Board
- High Performance Circuit -> Versatile Circuit Board
- Acid is a commonly used component in real life circuit manufacturing to embed complex metallic patterns in a material from a template.
- The progression from vacuum tubes to microchips is also a realistic component of real life circuits with most early computers using vacuum tubes for performing digital logic.
- Control units were added in release
solely to make nuclear bombs harder to manufacture.