Laser Isotope Separation Chamber
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The Laser Isotope Separation Chamber (or SILEX) is a machine that separates isotopes and elements from compounds or other materials via the SILEX (Separation of Isotopes by Laser Exitation) process. It allows for easier enrichment of Uranium, Plutonium, and Australium. The FEL is required to use the SILEX.
The SILEX can be crafting using the assembly machine, using the following recipe:


The SILEX requires the materials to be in a liquid compound state in order to be processed, this means it can take in Uranium or Plutonium hexafluoride, but it doesn't require them to enrich either material. It can use Hydrogen Peroxide to liquefy any material to be processed, the material may even be in a powder state. The processed items come out into the right side collection of slots.
The SILEX can also process Lapis Lazuli into: Sulfur, Aluminium, and most importantly Cobalt. It can also process spent RBMK fuel, its Nuclear Waste, and even Schraranium if you so desire.
The SILEX is intended to be used in tandem with another machine, the FEL.