
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

NTM various some tools which make mining and breaking blocks easier, some being powerful and some being decent. NTM Tools have specials features called weapon modifiers and abilities. Abilities are taggable functions that enable features like Vein Miner. Weapon modifiers are well modifiers. A list of abilities and modifiers can be found below.

Tool Abilities
Name Function
Vein Miner Mines the entire vein of a block when breaking a single block. The amount of blocks depends on the level.
AOE Mines out a square cube whose size depends on the level of the ability.
Silk Touch Causes certain blocks to drop themselves as items instead of their usual drops when mined.
Fortune Causes certain ores drop more materials instead of their usual drops when mined
Auto-Smelter Automatically smelts the block you mined
Auto-Centrifuge Automatically centrifuges the block you mined
Auto-Shredder Automatically shreds the block you mined.
Auto-Crystallizer Automatically crystallizes the block you mined.
Mercury Touch Mining redstone drops mercury.
Explosion Causes an explosion when you mine a block. The higher the level, the bigger the explosion.
Weapon Modifiers
Name Function
Radioactive Blade Contaminates any hit entity. Contamination amount scales with the level of the ability.
Vampire "Steals" health from the hit entity and transfers it to the player.
Stunning Applies slowness and weakness to the hit entity.
Phosphorus Tip Gives the hit entity the "Phosphorous" status effect, which makes them burn until it wears out.
Flaming Sets the hit entity on fire.
Painsaw When killing a entity, it drops nitra.
Decapitator Hit entity drops the head of the hit entity when killed. If the hit entity has no head, drops rotten flesh and bone.
Luck of the Collector Hit entity drops a random bobblehead when killed.


Below is a list of materials that can be used to make tools and their stats.

Name Harvest Level Durability Mining Speed Attack Damage Enchantability
Iron Iron 250 6 2 14
Diamond Diamond 1561 8 3 10
Dwarven (Copper) Iron Infinite 4 0 10
Steel Iron 500 7.5 2 10
Titanium Diamond 750 9 2.5 15
Advanced Alloy Diamond 2000 15 5 5
Desh/Worker's Alloy Iron Infinite 7.5 2 10
Cobalt Diamond 750 9 2.5 6
Decorated Cobalt Diamond 2500 15 2.5 75
Starmetal Diamond 3000 20 2.5 100
Schrabidium Diamond 10000 50 100 200
Bismuth Bismuth Infinite 50 0 200
Meteorite Bismuth Infinite 50 0 200
Chlorophyte Bismuth Infinite 75 0 200
Mese (PAA) Bismuth Infinite 100 0 200


There are some tools like drills and chainsaws that are made from various materials meaning they can't be catogorized. Those are usually overpowered and great.


Fuel: 5000mb


  • Silk Touch
  • Vein Miner (5)

Weapon Modifiers:

  • Painsaw (1.10)
  • Decapitator


  • Mowing down trees
  • Damaging entities


Metal Chain
Metal Chain
Steel Shell
Steel Shredder Blades
Steel Shredder Blades
Combustion Engine Piston
Metal Chain
Metal Chain
Empty Canister

Centrifuge on a Stick


  • Auto-Centrifuge


Centrifuge Element
Makeshift Energy Core
Centrifuge on a Stick

Impact Drill

Charge: 500.0kHe


  • AOE (2)
  • Vein Miner (5)
  • Silk Touch
  • Fortune (2)Use(s):
  • Drilling the ground


High-Speed Steel Bolt
High-Speed Steel Ingot
Polymer Bar
Lithium-Ion Battery
Polymer Bar
Impact Drill

Electric Chainsaw

Charge: 500.0kHe


  • AOE (2)
  • Vein Miner (5)
  • Silk Touch
  • Fortune (2)

Weapon Modifiers:

  • Painsaw (1:15)
  • Decapitator


  • Mowing down trees
  • Damaging entities


High-Speed Steel Ingot
Polymer Bar
High-Speed Steel Bolt
High-Speed Steel Bolt
Polymer Bar
Lithium-Ion Battery
Electric Chainsaw

Spiral Drill

Charge: 500.0kHe


  • AOE (2)
  • Vein Miner (5)
  • Silk Touch
  • Fortune (2)Use(s):
  • Drilling the ground


Polymer Bar
High-Speed Steel Bolt
High-Speed Steel Bolt
Lithium-Ion Battery
Spiral Drill


  • The "painsaw" ability is a reference to DOOM (4/2016) and DOOM: Eternal, which introduced the concept of using the chainsaw to replenish ammunition.'
    • It originally dropped random ammunition types of various calibers and subtypes, but it was changed to allow the player to choose what ammo they wanted and to prevent inventory clutter.