Advanced Alloy

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

Advanced Alloy
Made With/ByAlloying
Difficulty of ProductionEasy-Medium
Exists in RealityNo
Atomic NumberN/A

Advanced alloy is a steel and red copper alloy with various highly practical properties such as superconductivity and high durability as a tool material. It cannot be found naturally except in generated structures and as such requires either a blast furnace or a crucible in order to produce in any appreciable quantity.


Can be produced by alloying molten steel and copper in a crucible or alloying steel and copper ingots in a blast furnace with both yielding equal quantities of material.


  • Superconducting coils for powerful magnets.
  • Various other types of magnetic devices.
  • Strong early game tools and tough later game composite armors.


  • May be based upon weathering steel, a type of steel and copper alloy with strong corrosion resistance and solid structural properties.
