
Yellowcake is the first step in Uranium enrichment. As expected, it is yellow.
Yellowcake is produced in the Chemical Plant with the following recipe:

Although it can be made into granular blocks for storage, it is recommended that it be made into Uranium Hexafluoride for processing in the Gas Centrifuge.
- It emits 0.5 RAD/s, the same as unprocessed Uranium.
- It is not pyrophoric, so it is safer to carry than Uranium powder.
- Curiously, a handful of yellowcake blocks can be found inside the Geyser structure.
- Not a real cake, do not eat.
- In real life, yellowcake is not necessarily yellow, in modern times, it is usually brown or black. The yellow in its name comes from early mining processes.
- Despite this, yellowcake can be produced using peroxide and sulfur, so the in-game process of production is still accurate.