Red Room

The Red Room is a special room that doesn't spawn in the world regularly. It can be accessed by using a red key (craftable) or a cracked key (in dungeon chests or drops from mobs) on a strange stone, upon which the room spawns. A strange stone is a block that looks just like regular stone, except with a red keyhole impressed into its sides. AoE tool enchantments will not break strange stone blocks, which should help considerably in your search for these rare loot rooms.

The Red Room is made up of Red Bricks. It has 3 possible layouts: no lava, lava, and lava + concrete. In the middle of the room is a pedestal with an item on it.
The loot from the red room can be split up into 2 categories: Armor Modifications and other.
Armor Modifications
- Morning Glory
- Ace of Spades
- Queen of Spades
- Heart Piece
- Heart Container
- Velvet Band-Aid
- ShiningArmor™ Armor Polish
- Ink
- Bottle of Scrumpy
- Wild Pegasus Dry Whiskey
- Serum
- Ballistic Gauntlet
- Bottle of Spider Milk
- Black Diamond
- Plutonic Quartz
- Shield Infusion
- Boxcar
- The Book of Boxcars
- Lil' Pipsqueak
- Starmetal Sword
- Alexandrite
- Health Pipe
- Full Trenchmaster Armor
- Most of the items needed for progression that can be found in the Red Room can be obtained in other ways.