Red Key

The Red Key is a potent skeleton key – that is, a key that can open any lock – available within the mod. However, to balance out its high utility, crafting the key is an arduous process, requiring rare minerals and high tier metals, such as starmetal and alexandrite. The key is able to open any container that requires a regular key, regardless of the pin configuration of the lock, and it is one of the only two keys capable of opening the keyhole found on strange stone, in order to open a Red Room. The key has no durability, and can be reused indefinitely.
The red key can be crafted in a regular crafting table with the following recipe:

Cracked Key

The Cracked Key is a variant of the red key that is found as loot in dungeon chests or as a rare drop from hostile mobs. It is a single use version of the red key that is only capable of opening up the red room. It can't be used on regular safes or any padlocked blocks.