Meteorite Dungeon

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki


The meteorite dungeon is an extremely rare underground structure that spawns in all overworld bioms,it has a meteorite block pillar that generates on the top of it

has a 1 in 15000 chance of spawning in a chunk,this can be changed in the config

It has multiple smaller rooms each being randomly generated


It has 2 rooms that are dangerous,those being the cyber-crab room and the tesla coil room


  • Crates (starmetall,conserve and red crates)
  • the statue
  • NTM dirt
  • Safe (may contain page stamps needed for the Book of Boxcars)


Rooms are randomly generated

NTM dirt room

Red crate room

Cyber-crab assembly room

-has cyber crab assembly blocks

Safe room

-the safe might contain page stamp's

Starmetal block room

Glow stone block room

Meteorite block room

Statue room

-the statue can be equipped with the cursed revolver and broken pocket watch

to give help full potion effects

Stereotypical Green ooze tank room

Stereotypical Green ooze pool room

Balefire fire room

Crate room

-contains starmetal and conserve crates