Radiation-Powered Engine

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Radiation-powered engine
Radiation-powered engine

The blueprint for this machine is only obtainable via the Survivalist's Journal.

The radiation-powered engine is a great way to get some power out of RBMK-type nuclear waste as well as get guaranteed consistent decay times out of them.


Radiation-Powered Engine


GUI example, decaying Long-Lived Nuclear Waste

Each of the 12 input slots on the left side corresponds to one of the progress bars, you can observe the decay process, ticks remaining, and how much HE/tick by hovering over each bar. If the item has a decayed item, it will be dispensed out in one of the slots on the right side, if not, nothing will appear there.

Currently, only long, short-lived nuclear waste, and radioactive scraps obtained by shredding various tiers of sellafite are usable. More fuels will be added eventually.