
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

There are 9 types of crate in this mod, 5 of which are loot crates which are called from the supply drop requester, and 4 are similar to chests, which are craftable and can spawn in some structures. In order to open a loot crate, you must right click it with a crowbar.

Crates can be broken and picked up with their contents still inside, allowing for mass transport of materials, similar to how shulker boxes work in more modern versions of Minecraft.

Storage Crates

Iron Crate

Iron Crate

The iron crate is the cheapest storage crate available, and can carry 4 rows of items, for a total of 36 items. This is a similar storage capacity to a normal chest, but one row larger. An iron crate can be crafted in the regular crafting table with the following recipe:

Iron Plate
Iron Plate
Iron Plate
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Crate
Steel Crate

Steel Crate

The steel crate is the workhorse storage crate, and likely to become the most common crate in your storage system. It has the same capacity as an entire double chest, but within a single block that can be carried. A steel crate can be crafted with the following recipe:

Steel Plate
Steel Plate
Steel Plate
Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot
Steel Crate
Desh Crate

Desh Crate

The desh crate is the highest capacity crate available, with a massive 13 x 8 item storage capacity, totaling over 104 stacks of items carried when filled. Taking a desh crate with you when exploring can all but guarantee as much space as you'll need for the journey. A desh crate can be crafted like so:

Desh Compound Plate
Desh Compound Plate
Steel Crate
Desh Compound Plate
Desh Compound Plate
Desh Crate
Tungsten Crate

Tungsten Crate

The tungsten crate is a very expensive crate, but provides less storage space than even the iron crate, what gives? The tungsten crate happens to have a special role that the other crates can't fulfill, in that it can withstand the force of a full powered DFC beam fired directly upon it. If fired upon with enough power, the contents of the crate can be transmuted, turning polonium-210 into yharonite, a very useful endgame material.

Block of Tungsten
Cast Copper Plate
Block of Tungsten
Cast Copper Plate
Steel Crate
Cast Copper Plate
Block of Tungsten
Cast Copper Plate
Block of Tungsten
Tungsten Crate

Loot Crates

Supply Crate

Supply Crate

The most basic crate. It may contain items such as stimpaks, grenades, and ammo to various guns. It drops 3-5 items and has a 49.9 percent chance of spawning when using a supply drop requester.

Weapon Crate

Weapon Crate

This is the second most common crate. It may contain various types of guns, and will drop 1-2 weapons. It has a one in 100 chance of dropping 25 weapons. There is a 35 percent chance of it spawning when using a supply drop requester.

Hazmat Crate

Hazmat Crate

This is the third most common crate. It may contain various radioactive ingots, yellowcake, and RTG pellets, and drops 3-5 of these. It has a 10 percent chance of spawning when using a supply drop requester.

Machine Crate

Machine Crate

The machine crate drops 3-5 machines or machine related parts. It has a 5 percent chance of spawning when using a supply drop requester.

Red Crate

Red Crate

This crate is the rarest crate, at 0.1 percent chance of spawning with a supply drop requester. It will drop a random item from the following list:

  • Speedloader with Tainted Bullets
  • Dirt
  • Charred Crystal
  • B92 Energy Pistol
  • Rigged Star Blaster Energy Cell
  • Spark Battery
  • Bottle of S~Cola RAD
  • Crystal Horn
  • Saddle Gun
  • Bottle of S~Cola
  • Burnt Bark
  • Taint-Tipped Missile
  • Corrupted Broadcaster
  • Lil' Pipsqueak
  • Painting of a Cartoon Pony
  • Brittle Spade
  • Blackjack Five-Shooter.