Thorium Fuel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Ingot form
Ingot form

Thorium fuel is one of the weakest fuels available for your reactor, but it is one of the cheapest as well. It is 1/3rd U-233 and 2/3rds Th-232 and since the former is bred from the latter, this introduces its key mechanic of breeding more fissile material than it consumes in its fuel lifespan.

Thorium Breeding Rods

Thorium-232 Breeding Rod
Estimated lifespan20,000 ticks
Start radiation0.1 RAD/s
End radiation1.75 RAD/s
Breeds intoThorium Fuel

Thorium breeding rods are a unique item for the ZIRNOX reactor. They're used to produce thorium fuel through the neutron activation of the thorium-232 eventually into uranium-233. It provides no flux or heat to the reactor until it finishes breeding into fuel, but it has a short lifespan of 20k ticks.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
ZIRNOX Thorium-232 Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.

Thorium Fuel

Thorium fuel is a 2:1 mixture of thorium-232 and uranium-233. It is not particularly strong, but it is cheap and produces more U-233 than is needed to produce it, making it very useful during recycling due to its self-breeding nature.


It can either be bred in a breeding reactor or manufactured with pure isotopes:

Thorium-232 RodThorium-232 Dual RodThorium-232 Quad Rod
Thorium Fuel RodThorium Fuel Dual RodThorium Fuel Quad Rod
Uranium-233 Nugget
Uranium-233 Nugget
Thorium-232 Nugget
Thorium-232 Nugget
Thorium-232 Nugget
Thorium-232 Nugget
Thorium Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.
Uranium-233 Billet
Uranium-233 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet6
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.
Uranium-233 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium-232 Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet3
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


ZIRNOX Thorium Fuel
Estimated lifespan200,000 ticks
Start radiation1.75 RAD/s
End radiation112.5 RAD/s

Thorium fuel in the ZIRNOX is neither particularly strong nor weak, sitting right between natural uranium and medium enriched uranium fuel at 40 heat output. Its lifespan is also average at 200k ticks, same as MEU.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
ZIRNOX Thorium Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth of material.


Thorium with MEU-233 Driver Fuel
Fissile materialU-233
Fertile materialTh-232
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeEuler
Flux function dangerSafe
Depletion functionBoosted slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux0.65°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point3350°C
Starting radiation7.0 RAD/s

In the RBMK, thorium fuel is a somewhat weak but very stable and safe fuel thanks to its Euler function, it is slightly weaker than MEU-235. By itself, it is incapable of going super critical as its function plateaus very quickly and at a low level. For this reason, it is commonly used to stabilize high strength, dangerous function fuels, such as linear and negative-quadratic functions. It can also use the flux output of those fuels to burn quicker and thus be recycled quicker, to yield its bred U-233. Additionally, it has a "boosted slope" depletion function, meaning it becomes stronger as it depletes, due to the breeding nature.


A plot of ThMEU-233 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of ThMEU-233 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
Thorium Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces ThMEU by 1%)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
    • 64.0% ThMEU
    • 10.0% U-233
    • 26.0% long-lived nuclear waste (Th-232)
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 44.0% ThMEU
    • 14.0% U-233
    • 42.0% long-lived nuclear waste (Th-232)
  • Highly Depleted
    • 24.0% ThMEU
    • 18.0% U-233
    • 58.0% long-lived nuclear waste (Th-232)
  • Fully Depleted
    • 4.0% ThMEU
    • 22.0% U-233
    • 74.0% long-lived nuclear waste (Th-232)


  • Thorium fuel for the RBMK was going to have a lower yield (75%) than most other fuels to make breeding easier, but this never happened.


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