Nuclear Waste (Generic)
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Nuclear waste is a dangerous byproduct of nuclear fission in reactors. It is not a single material or element, rather, it is a miscellaneous collection of useless fission, decay, and neutron capture elements (e.g. caesium, palladium, americium, radium, etc. isotopes) products produced from fission reactions a nuclear reactor. It is highly radioactive and hazardous, even in small amounts.
Tiny piles of waste can be extracted from spent/depleted nuclear fuel via centrifuging.
This particular type of nuclear waste can be extracted from the RBMK waste variants of: long-lived and short-lived nuclear waste with the SILEX.
Waste can be extracted from the waste barrels found in the Desert Atom structure.
Nuclear waste can be bred from unenriched plutonium and Pu-240. Requires 4 and 3 HEAT, respectively.
As a waste product, it has little uses. However, it does have a few specialized uses. Tiny piles can be used to make nuclear bullets and normal-sized pieces can be used to make cloud barbed wire and vegan schnitzels.
It can be used in a Custom Nuke to "salt" it. Normal-sized pieces contribute to a 1.025 multiplier and blocks contribute 1.25, making pieces better than blocks.
You can also make schrabidium with it by detonating barrels it near uranium ore as it can create a dirty explosion when in a steel tank.
Disposal Methods
It can be made into radioactive blocks for storage and as a quick, cheap, but unsafe means of disposal. They are very radioactive and inflict the Contaminated 3 status effect for 30 seconds when walked on. Even a single block can easily contaminate a chunk. Nuclear waste blocks also produce fallout continuously, which can be farmed for tiny amounts of cobalt-60, radium-226, and even gold-198. Keep note that: nuclear waste blocks also produce a lot of radon gas, which is the source of the fallout and cannot be blocked by gas masks.
The cheapest method of disposal other than straight-up blocks of waste is to simply paint said blocks. It is basically the same as the regular waste block but with a yellow radiation hazard sign painted on it. Crude, but more visually noticeable than a plain black block.
Another method is to put it into a barrel. It is identifiable (yellow), deconstructable, cheap, and is less hazardous than regular blocks. It only becomes especially hazardous when in large numbers. However, do not underestimate them, if you do make a lot of them, they can easily kill anything or anyone that gets too close to a dump site with these. They are useful in schrabidium production as they can explode in a dirty fashion. It can also be used in the Custom Nuke to salt it, contributing a 1.2 multiplier to that stage. Barrels also do not produce extra fallout and Radon. However, they will release a lot of radon if they explode.
Tiny piece (nugget equivalent)
Vitrified form
Tiny vitrified piece (nugget equivalent)