
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
File:Fallout blocks.png
Block forms of fallout. Left: normal layer type, like snow. Right: full block type, artificial.

Nuclear fallout is the fission products and neutron activated materials created by a Nuclear Explosion and pulled up into the sky and then "falling out" of the sky back to the earth as a sort of nuclear ash. Fallout was never implemented in the 1.12 version of the game as confirmed in a github issue.


It is commonly produced by nuclear explosions or by nuclear waste blocks.


Fallout has no uses except in the Radiation-Powered Engine as it is rather radioactive at 30 RAD/s (item form).

It behaves similarly to snow, naturally forming as a shallow layer of granular material and only being able to be picked up with a shovel or equivalent as a dust like item. This dust can be remade into the layer-like block or into regular blocks for compact storage.

The "dust" can be put through a Laser Isotope Separation Chamber to exctract some materials, given the composition of it:
