FBI Agent

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki


FBI Agent
  • Fire immunity
  • 50% knockback resistance
  • No friendly fire
  • If equipped:
    • Suffocation immunity
    • Thermal (heat/cold) immunity
  • 20 armor level
  • Potion immunity
Spawn conditionRaid
Spawn rarityAverage


FBI agents belong to the United States domestic intelligence, security, and law enforcement organization the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Unlike most mobs in other games, they are human. They may carry Novac .44 Magnum revolvers or 4 gauge shotguns. They come in 2 variants: one with a standard bulletproof vest with "FBI" written on the back and ones wearing full Security Armor. They are not enabled by default and they do not despawn.


FBI raids occur similarly to Mask Man's spawning. Every hour, there is a 33% chance for them to spawn if they are enabled.


FBI agents, while only human, are still quite dangerous alone and even more so with a team. They carry powerful firearms and will attempt to engage you from a distance. They do not require reloading and they cannot infight or (directly) damage each other. They have a decent amount of health and have some armor.

One interesting feature is the "smart" targeting they have. If they player is behind a wall or in a building, they will attempt to find a way around, such as an opening. If there is no easy opening, they will attempt to break down blocks in order to enter. If it can be broken, it will be. Tougher blocks like concrete will take longer, but it will break nonetheless.

They are also immune to potion effects entirely and they put on gas masks when encountering gas or radiation. If GalactiCraft is loaded, FBI agents will wear spacesuits in hostile environments.


FBI agents may sometimes drop an armor piece with random damage dealt to it and their undamaged weapon. If Thermal is loaded, they may drop sulfur too due to being immune to fire.


  • Despite it being heavily implied NTM takes place post-nuclear war-apocalypse, the existence of FBI agents not only implies the existence of large amounts of survivors, but also that organizations like the FBI from before the hypothetical apocalypse and potentially the United States also survived (to what degree cannot be determined).
    • It also implies that the player is a priority target for whatever reason.
  • FBI agents will shoot at the player even if they are in creative mode.
