Steam Turbine

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
The single-block Steam Turbine

The Steam Turbine is a generator that produces HE when being supplied with steam. It has a 1 MHE power buffer, a 64,000 MB input buffer, and a 128,000 MB output buffer.


Steel Ingot
Copper Coil
Steel Ingot
Polymer BarBakelite Bar
Titanium Steam Turbine
Polymer BarBakelite Bar
Steel Ingot
Copper Coil
Steel Ingot
Steam Turbine


Designate your type of steam (normal, dense or super dense) with a Fluid ID and fill it up, the turbine decompresses Super Dense Steam into Dense Steam and so on. When hooked up to a boiler or reactor with a steam pipe set using a fluid ID to whatever steam type you set the boiler/reactor to produce, the turbine will produce HE.


  • Used in conjunction with a nuclear reactor or boiler, though with PWR-like reactors you are required to use heat exchangers and boilers as they do not output steam directly.