
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
The burner press, electric press, and conveyor press

There are three different Presses available in NTM, all with similar functionality but deriving power from different sources.

Presses can be used to make plates, wires, or circuits as well as compressing non-smeltable powders back into their normal form and the production of certain types of bullets.


All burner presses have similar steps in operation, the first of which being the production of various stamps to use in the presses.

First you must construct a flat stamp in a crafting table like so:

StoneIron IngotSteel IngotTitanium IngotObsidian
StoneIron IngotSteel IngotTitanium IngotObsidian
StoneIron IngotSteel IngotTitanium IngotObsidian
Flat Stamp (Stone)Flat Stamp (Iron)Flat Stamp (Steel)Flat Stamp (Titanium)Flat Stamp (Obsidian)

An indestructable desh stamp can also be crafted once you've obtained some better materials:

Desh Ingot
Desh Ingot
Saturnite Ingot
Desh Ingot
Desh Ingot
Flat Stamp (Desh)

Once you have a stamp in your inventory, open up your machine template folder, and select your intended stamp shape, these stamp shapes come in many varieties to produce various material components:

  • Plate stamp
  • Wire stamp
  • Circuit stamp

Burner Press

A burner press

Formerly known as the steam press, it is powered by flammable materials like coal/charcoal, lignite, or solid fuel.

Once fuel has been placed in the press, it'll be consumed, and a number of operations stored. Don't worry about wasted fuel, the press will await in standby until a valid stamp and material combo is supplied.

The press will run until it has processed everything supplied to it, increasing in speed over time. This encourages batching your pressing, as running the press for individual items will cause it to lose speed and increase waiting time.

The burner press is crafted in a regular crafting table with the following recipe:

Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Block of Iron
Iron Ingot
Burner Press

Electric Press

An electric press

Works in the exact same way as the burner press, the only difference is, this one is powered by electricity, and operates faster. The electric press must be created in an assembly machine with the following recipe:

Electric Press

Conveyor Press

A conveyor press

A conveyor press works like the electric press, in that it must be provided power to operate. However, this press doesn't have a GUI, meaning the stamps must be inserted directly into the machine, and retrieved using a screwdriver.

The conveyor press is the fastest operating press, capable of pressing any stack size of materials as quickly as they can pass through the conveyor.

The conveyor press is crafted with the following recipe:

Copper Plate
Electric Press
Copper Plate
Copper Plate
Conveyor Belt
Copper Plate
Copper Plate
Copper Plate
Copper Plate
Conveyor Press

Use in Compressing Powders

Some materials when placed in the shredder cannot be turned back into their normal solid form. Using a flat stamp (the base stamp) and placing the powder in, they can be re-solidified.

  • Emerald powder -> Emerald
  • Diamond powder -> Diamond
  • Lapis lazuli powder -> Lapis lazuli
  • Coal powder -> Coal (this isn't necessary as coal powder is used to make "coke", some alloys/blends, and functions the same in a furnace)

This is useful if you have an asteroid mining ship that only delivers the powder form of items and you don't have a use for them.

A compressed coal chunk can be used to artificially make a diamond through this method as well.