Tesla Crab

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

"Tesla crab more like, Tesla crap. Look this fucker... so annoying... so disgusting"


The Tesla Crab is a variant of the Cyber Crab. It is essentially a walking Tesla Coil block that functions as a support class for the defenders of Meteor Dungeons.

nobody knows who create this fuckers only know when they are 2 and they have a shit ton of company they are so fucking annoying


Tesla Crabs only spawn in the very rare Meteor Dungeons' cyber crab assemblers. They are less common than the cyber crab, fortunately for the unprepared.


Not only are Tesla Crabs tougher than their standard variant, but their Tesla coil also does massive, consistent damage to players and other mobs not wearing conductive armor (i.e. steel). Their electric bolts actually heal fellow tesla crabs very quickly, making them a formidable force when in a swarm. They force the player to keep their distance while healing, making ranged attacks preferable.


Despite being very tough, they do not drop any experience. They do however drop superconductor wires and rarely 4000K Superconductors, in place of gold wires of cyber crabs, making them worth to farm.

It will become the Taint Crab if exposed to Taint, however, they will not transform if they get the Tainted effect, only if they touch Taint.


  • They quickly die when exposed to water or rain.