Depth Ore

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
File:Depth Ore Set.png
From left to right: Cinnibar, Zirconium, Iron, Titanium, and Tungsten.

Depth Ore is a special set of ores found in rare formations of depth rock underground. These ores spawn near bedrock, in large veins that contain only one type of ore. Depth ore is unique in that is only able to be broken by explosives such as the mining charge (It is also able to be broken by some specific pickaxes such as the molten pickaxe).


Cinnibar is a dull red mineral with a similar appearance to coal. When placed in an Ore Acidizer, it gives three small drops of mercury; therefore, cinnibar is one of the most important sources of mercury, and as a result, desh and saturnite production.


Main Page: Zirconium

Depth zirconium ore, when destroyed, drops 2-3 shards. Whilst the crystallization and centrifuging of Rare Earth Ore results in 4 shards of zirconium, the vein size of zirconium ore is significant enough to make it a more bountiful source of zirconium.

Other Ores

The three remaining ores are the iron, titanium, and tungsten crystal clusters. Each cluster drops one crystal when destroyed, which combined with the vein sizes makes these a great source of the aforementioned materials.