
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Made With/ByChemical synthesis
Difficulty of ProductionMedium
Exists in RealityNo
Atomic NumberN/A

Saturnite is a very durable, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloy that is commonly used in containers, weapons, and knives.


Saturnite is produced in a rotary furnace with the following recipe:

Reformate Gas
Rotary Furnace
2 Ingots

There is also the option of boosting the yield by adding borax:

Reformate Gas
Rotary Furnace
4 Ingots


Saturnite is a very durable, hard, but brittle alloy. Saturnite is used in the antimatter barrel and higher durability variants of some guns. Saturnite is essentially a much better equivalent to tungsten (in some aspects). It is also an excellent neutron reflector, making it useful in machines relating to nuclear science and even shielding long range spacecraft, lining fusion reactors, and making up the shell of BF rocket fuselages.

Its properties are quite unusual. When used to make guns, its bullets set things on fire. When combined with starmetal and a chlorine pinwheel, it makes an infinite chlorine vent. When combined with obsidian and a grenade, it makes a void/null grenade that erases things out of existence. It is even used to make the asteroid mining ship. In short, its properties and abilities are nothing short of bizarre, but useful.


Saturnite is used in many guns and other things.

Its plate form is what's most used in items, blocks, and machines, such as the antimatter containment barrel.

It can be combined with meteorite powder to make starmetal.


  • It is a reference to the Fallout metal of the same name.
  • Saturnite is so corrosion-resistant that it can resist many years of constant cloud exposure.
  • In one update, saturnite more or less swapped places with starmetal in terms of progression.