
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

For the regular element, see: Lead.

Main Information
CategoryRadiation emitter
Radioactivity10000.0 RAD/s
Gameplay Information
AcquisitionFission product

Lead-209 is an extremely short-lived and extremely radioactive isotope, produced from the fission of australium. Its low half life and decay heat cause it to be naturally pyrophoric and blinding to anyone in its general vicinity.


Lead-209 can be obtained from the processing of primarily depleted low enriched australium fuel and in lesser amounts from highly enriched australium fuel and short-lived schrabidium nuclear waste.


  • An extremely powerful RTG pellet with 200 power/tick. If enabled to decay, they provide 600 power per tick and each will have a lifespan of 21,600 ticks, computing to 18 IRL minutes, with a stated in-game lifespan of 4 and a half hours. They decay to bismuth pellets. This also means it will make 12,960,000 power in total over that time.
  • The swift production of bismuth from decay in a Nuclear Waste Disposal Drum or as an RTG pellet.
  • Flashlead fuel to produce ghiorsium-336.


  • Despite having a significantly higher radiation value, lead-209 produces β- particles of a significantly lower energy then gold-198; meaning that overall, gold-198 produces much more energy, simply over a longer period of time.
