Stereotypical Green Ooze

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
TypeMolten Radioisotope Mix

Stereotypical Green Ooze is a type of fluid (probably molten) nuclear waste. It doesn’t cause chunk radiation, however, if you were to fall in it, you would most likely get lethal doses of radiation. The ooze slows you down a lot, so you’re gonna have a hard time getting out. It cannot be put into tanks or barrels as it has no fluid ID.


  • Used in the Radiation-Powered Engine for electricity.
    • In some older versions of the mod, this cannot be done.


  • Primarily found in the "Barrel" structure.
    • Can also generate in pools and tanks inside the Meteor Dungeon.
  • Can be acquired by detonating radioactive barrels or by having a nuclear reactor meltdown.


  • Considering how this substance was produced, what it likely is composed of, and its danger, it is most likely based on the IRL substance Corium[1], which is in layman's terms, nuclear lava.
    • It is composed of fuel materials, nuclear waste, and components of the reactor itself such as the control rods.
    • It is incredibly dangerous, not just with its intense radiation, but also heat that will persist due to said radiation.
    • Notable nuclear accidents that produced corium are Thee Mile Island, Chernobyl (see Elephant's Foot[2]), and Fukushima.
    • Corium is now a seperate liquid in the mod.


  1. Corium, on Wikipedia
  2. Elephant's Foot, on Wikipedia