Stainless Steel (NTM: Space)

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Stainless Steel
Made With/ByAlloying
Difficulty of ProductionMedium
Exists in RealityYes
Atomic NumberN/A

Stainless steel is an alloy of steel and nickel, and exists as a gateway to space-grade machinery in NTM: Space. Production of this alloy requires you to venture into space to acquire the necessary nickel.


The primary way of producing stainless steel is by alloying 1 part steel to 1 part nickel, producing 2 parts of stainless steel. This can be done either in a blast furnace, or in a crucible.

1 Nugget
1 Nugget
2 Nuggets


Stainless steel, as described above, is useful in producing many space-grade machines, such as atmospheric compressors, and orbital station ports.

It can also be used to boost the efficiency of high-speed steel production, producing double the amount that the regular recipe does.

5 Nuggets
3 Nuggets
1 Nugget
2 Ingots