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Semtex-H is a general-purpose plastic explosive (not to be confused with C-4). It serves as an advanced form of TNT or TATB in some recipes. It comes in a yellow-orange bar.
The blend is made in a shapeless crafting recipe, it uses solid fuel, niter, and a type of smokeless propellant. Cordite allows for 3 blends to be produced, while ballistite only allows for 1.
This blend is then solidified and refined in an ore acidizer.

- It replaces or acts as a superior form of TNT in various crafting recipes.
- It is needed for propellant in some nuclear bombs.
- A full block that is also a powerful explosive.
- It can be used in the custom nuke. It contributes 8 to its TNT stage, which is twice as much as vanilla TNT.
- Can be eaten.
- Plastic explosives are not actually edible, do not attempt this in real life.