Red Phosphorus

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

For the rarer and more unstable allotrope only used in weapons, see White Phosphorus.

TypeElement Allotrope
Made With/ByNatural, Blaze Rod Extraction
Default Ore Veins per Chunk24 (in nether)
Ore Vein Size6 (in nether)
Minimum Ore Height0 (in nether)
Maximum Ore Height127 (in nether)
Exists in RealityYes
Atomic Number15

Red phosphorus is a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus. It is a red powder that can be made into a block to save space. It effectively replaces Flame powder and is no longer (directly) craftable.

Its item form is not pyrophoric or otherwise particularly dangerous, but its block form is when in your inventory.


It can be obtained from Nether Phosphorus ore in the Nether or by centrifuging blaze rods.


32 operations in a furnace.


Incendiary weapons of all kinds.


  • Red phosphorus is relatively non-toxic, except when exposed to oxygen and water vapor.
  • Red phosphorus is used in fertilizer IRL.
  • Sort of an inverse of White Phosphorus in the sense that it only has a powder form wheras WP only has an ingot form.
    • This means that red phosphorus is the kind that is used in the Cyclotron.