Plutonium Fuel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
LEPu-239, ingot form
LEPu-239, ingot form

Plutonium fuel is a category of nuclear fuel consisting of plutonium isotopes. Lower enriched versions often include the contaminant plutonium-240 in significant quantities, which inhibits some of the fuel's performance and causes it to be self-igniting if in sufficient quantities with the fissile plutonium-239, but it breeds into plutonium-241 if it successfully captures a neutron without undergoing fission. It is often used in reactors as an alternative to uranium fuel and sometimes MOX fuel.

Low Enriched Plutonium-239

LEPu-239 is the most common type of plutonium fuel as it is the easiest to produce. It is fairly stronger than MEU-235. Curiously, it is not used in the PWR.


It is produced by mixing reactor grade plutonium with uranium-238.

Reactor Grade Plutonium Nugget
Reactor Grade Plutonium Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Plutonium Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet3
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Plutonium Fuel
Estimated lifespan175,000 ticks
Start radiation4.25 RAD/s
End radiation187.5 RAD/s

It has a slightly lower lifespan than MEU-235 for the ZIRNOX, but it has a fairly higher heat output of 65.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
ZIRNOX Plutonium Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth.


Low Enriched Plutonium-239
Fissile materialPu-239
Fertile materialU-238 & Pu-241
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeBase 10 logarithm
Flux function dangerMedium
Depletion functionRaising slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux0.75°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,744°C
Starting radiation17.0 RAD/s

LEPu-239 is a considerably stronger than MEU-235, roughly twice as reactive and an additional 0.1°C heat output per received flux. However, it is still not quite as strong as MOX fuel in either reactivity or heat output.


A plot of LEPu-239 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of LEPu-239 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
Plutonium Fuel Billet
LEP-239 RBMK Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces LEPu-239 by 1%)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
    • 70.0% LEPu-239
    • 8.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 15.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 7.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 56.0% LEPu-239
    • 10.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 23.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 11.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Highly Depleted
    • 42.0% LEPu-239
    • 12.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 31.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 15.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Fully Depleted
    • 28.0% LEPu-239
    • 14.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 39.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 19.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)

Medium Enriched Plutonium-239

MEPu-239 is the same as reactor grade plutonium, as a result, it is a popular choice for its simplicity in production for a generally strong fuel.


See for more information: Reactor Grade Plutonium#Production


MEPu-239 Fuel
Fissile materialPu-239
Fertile materialPu-240
Reaction function
Function typeLogarithmic
Function dangerMedium
Heat per flux7.5 TU
Start radiation6.25 RAD/s
End radiation62.5 RAD/s

MEPu-239 is still one of the weaker fuels due to it using a logarithmic function, though it is stable because of that. It has a stronger function than MEU-235 or MOX and it has the same heat output as the latter at 7.5 TU.


A plot of MEPu-239 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
A plot of MEPu-239 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
MEP PWR Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.



Medium Enriched Plutonium-239 Fuel
Fissile materialPu-239
Fertile materialPu-240
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeSquare root
Flux function dangerMedium
Depletion functionGentle slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux1.0°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,744°C
Starting radiation25.0 RAD/s

MEPu-239 is a very popular choice for the RBMK in particular for its strength, production simplicity, and self-igniting nature, which makes it effective for jumpstarting or sustaining otherwise cold reactors. It's not quite as strong as MOX fuel function-wise at lower flux inputs, but it has higher heat output.


A plot of MEPu-239 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of MEPu-239 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
MEP-239 RBMK Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces reactor grade plutonium by 1%)

  • Brand New
    • 85.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 10.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 5.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Barely Depleted
    • 68.4% reactor grade plutonium
    • 21.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 10.5% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 50.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 33.3% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 16.6% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Highly Depleted
    • 29.4% reactor grade plutonium
    • 47.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 23.5% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Fully Depleted
    • 6.2% reactor grade plutonium
    • 62.5% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 31.2% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)

Watz Power Plant

MEPu-239 Fuel
Heat per flux15.0 TU
Reaction function
TypeMedium / Square root
Thermal multiplier

Flux-wise, MEPu-239 is one of the strongest fuels the Watz can use.


A plot of MEPu-239 flux reactivity in the Watz. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 1000 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 5000.
A plot of MEPu-239 flux reactivity in the Watz. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 1000 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 5000.


Reactor Grade Plutonium Ingot
Reactor Grade Plutonium Ingot
Graphite Ingot
Reactor Grade Plutonium Ingot
Reactor Grade Plutonium Ingot
MEP Watz Pellet


Highly Enriched Plutonium-239

HEPu-239 is a very powerful fuel, consisting of pure, weapons grade Pu-239. It is even more powerful than HEU-235 and 233.


HEPu-239 Fuel
Fissile materialPu-239
Reaction function
Function typeSquare root
Function dangerMedium
Heat per flux10.0 TU
Start radiation5.0 RAD/s
End radiation50.0 RAD/s

In the PWR, HEPu-239 is part of the high strength fuels. It has an extremely strong square root function and high heat output of 10 TU.


A plot of HEPu-239 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
A plot of HEPu-239 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
HEP-239 PWR Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.



HEPu-239 Fuel
Fissile materialPu-239
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeLinear
Flux function dangerDangerous
Depletion functionGentle slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux1.25°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2744°C
Starting radiation20 RAD/s

In the RBMK, HEPu-239 is considerably stronger than MEPu-239, having a linear flux function and 1.25 heat per flux.


[to be added]


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
Plutonium-239 Billet
HEP-239 RBMK Fuel Rod