
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
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AcquisitionNeutron capture product

Plutonium-241 is the least common of the 4 plutonium isotopes in NTM, as it is only rarely produced as the product of Pu-240 neutron capture. It is much more potent than even Pu-239.


Making Pu-241 requires an RBMK that can handle any Pu-239 fuel. When the Pu-239 fuel depletes, it makes Pu-239 and Pu-240 nuclear waste. These can be processed in a SILEX where the Pu-239 waste contains 25% Pu-241, and the Pu-240 waste consists of 15% Pu-241 on average.

To ease the synthesis of Pu-241, there are special Pu-241 Zirconium Fast Breeder rods that will still require an initial investment of Pu-241, but will give substantially more of it when depleted and be fully depleted quicker than actual fuels.


Its use is in the RBMK, where HEP-241 rods can be made with 8 Pu-241 billets. It is the strongest plutonium fuel, being of linear function with high heat output. When it burns, it produces americium-241 and americium-242m, which can be extracted in its waste.

Besides its use in americium synthesis, it is also a component of the ZFB (Zirconium Fast Breeder) fuels also used in the RBMK. The bismuth ZFB and Pu-241 ZFB require one nugget per billet and the reactor grade americium ZFB requires 2 nuggets per billet.


  • It does not have a block form like the other plutonium isotopes.
  • If it absorbs a neutron and fails to fission, it becomes plutonium-242.
  • Americium-241 is technically produced as a decay product via the β- mode.


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