Particle Accelerator

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

The particle accelerator is a complex modular machine that accelerates particles to relativistic speeds in order to produce various exotic particles required for late game materials. Some of these late game materials include dineutronium, schrabidium and euphemium.


Component Recipe Tooltip
Optional part, connects different accelerator parts.

Also allows to cheaply extend the rings size, for meeting dipole coil size requirements.

Particle Source
Quantum Processing Unit
Particle Source
Requires cooling!

Uses two items to create a particle

RF Cavity
RF Cavity
Requires cooling!

Accelerates particle by 100 points, and adds 100 points of defocus. The particle will crash when reaching points of 1000 defocus.

Quadrupole Magnets
Quadrupole Magnets
Requires cooling!

Reduces particle defocus by 100 points. Requires large coils to work.

Dipole Magnets
Dipole Magnets
Requires cooling!

Redirects particles based on momentum. Has outputs for below threshold, above threshold and above threshold with redstone applied. Requires large coil to work.

Particle Detector
Particle Detector
Requires cooling!

Accepts particles and performs the recipe. Recipes may require containers (particle capsules). Particles need a defocus of 0 to be accepted.

Coil Types

Coil Type Recipe Minimum Operational Range Maximum Operational Range Dipole Minimum Side Length
Large Gold Coil
Large Gold Coil
0 2,200 15
Large NbTi Coil
Large NbTi Coil
1,500 8,400 21
Large BSCCO Coil
Large BSCCO Coil
7,500 15,000 27
Large Chlorophyte Coil
Large Chlorophyte Coil
14,500 75,000 51


Output Recipe Notes
Chicken Nugget x2
Raw Chicken
Raw Chicken
Chicken Nugget
Chicken Nugget
Completely fills hunger.
Antimatter Capsule
Hydrogen Ion Capsule
Copper Ion Capsule
Antimatter Capsule
Contains 1000mb of antimatter when put into a magnetic storage container.
Antischrabidium Capsule
Antimatter Capsule
Antimatter Capsule
Antischrabidium Capsule
Contains 1000mb of antischrabidium when put into a magnetic storage container.
Muon Capsule
Antimatter Capsule
Hydrogen Ion Capsule
Muon Capsule
No direct uses, but can be used in further particle accelerator recipes.
Tachyon Capsule
Higgs Boson Capsule
Muon Capsule
Tachyon Capsule
Used to make murky wings.
Higgs Boson Capsule
Lead Ion Capsule
Hydrogen Ion Capsule
Higgs Boson Capsule
Used to make schrabidium from uranium-238 in an exposure chamber.
Dark Matter Capsule
Antischrabidium Capsule
Antischrabidium Capsule
Dark Matter Capsule
Used to make euphemium from plutonium in an exposure chamber.
Strange Quark Capsule
Dark Matter Capsule
Muon Capsule
Strange Quark Capsule
Used to make the Dark Crystal.
Sparticle Capsule
Pulverized Enchantment
Strange Quark Capsule
Sparkticle Capsule
Used to make dineutronium from ferric schrabidate, also outputs dust as waste.
The Digamma Particle
Higgs Boson Capsule
Sparkticle Capsule
The Digamma Particle
Used to make Digamma Fuel for the RBMK.