Nuclear Creeper

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

"I'm Nucleaaaaaaar, I'm Wiiiiiild"

Nuclear Creeper
  • Radiation contamination at close range
    • Bypasses protection
  • Small nuclear self-destruct
    • Affected by mob griefing game rule
  • Radiation immunity
    • Heals from radiation
  • Regeneration of 1 HP/tick
Spawn conditionCreeper transformation
Spawn rarityAverage


The nuclear creeper is a variant of a normal creeper found in this mod. It does not spawn naturally, instead, a normal creeper must be "transformed" or "mutated" into one.They are dark grey with black spots instead of the normal green. One is actually seen in some of the promotional screenshots for the mod.

For reasons we can't comprehend the creepers have a high rate to adapt for some environments or natural disasters like could be a ground zero or a lightning bolt

¿this is maybe the ultimate life form? nobody knows


Nuclear creepers are made from normal creepers by exposing it to large amounts of radiation.

This is normally done by a normal creeper walking over dead grass, glowing mycelium, getting too close to a desert atom, getting shot with a nuclear bullet, or etc.


Nuclear creepers, as the name suggests, are nuclear "powered" now. It is a mini-nuke on legs, making getting near then incredibly dangerous. As a bonus, they are much tougher to kill with a whopping 50hp (half of an iron golem) and amazing regenerative ability and move a fair bit faster.

Also make sure a lightning bolt doesn't reach one of those, if it does, you will meet the infamous charged nuclear creeper, who happens to be a walking hydrogen bomb (presumably, as it has the same explosion animation), great, even worse than before, although nothing more is added to it, just a better explosion.

Remember, Nuclear creepers have passive regeneration and its high, you will need good power to take it down, without it blowing up of course.


Nuclear creepers drop TNT blocks instead of gunpowder. This makes farming nuclear creepers more worthwhile, albeit more dangerous, to farm over normal creepers as they provide renewable TNT.

In addition, however, if they are killed by a skeleton or by an arrow with no shooter (such as one fired from a dispenser), they can drop a random item from a list of many very useful mostly nuclear power related items:

Due to their high health and regeneration, it will be very difficult to kill them with normal arrows, but not impossible.


  • Creepers will only transform sometimes, if they do not transform they just die from radiation.
    • Creepers absorbing and assimilating unusual substances continues with the newer: Tainted Creeper
  • Luckily for those who hate normal creepers already, they only spawn where there are large amounts of radiation, such as desert atoms, nuclear detonation sites, and other places with poor radiation containment, naturally spawning or otherwise.
