NTM: Space

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

One of the most expansive forks of Nuclear Tech Mod, adding many planets to explore. With fully simulated atmospheric compositions based on NTM's highly advanced fluid system, and new machines to aid the player in progressing with wildly different resources available. For the fans of Mark Watney style survival, there is even a Martian world type to test your ability to survive, and thrive, without many resources we take for granted on Earth, like coal.

Ideally, you'll have some experience with base NTM before playing this, but we welcome all players! Check out the NTM Getting Started guide to get up and running, and once you've progressed to producing oil, you'll be ready to come back here to make your way into space!

The mod is available to download from GitHub

NEI is highly recommended as per usual!

Changes from vanilla

Changes to Machines

Chemical changes

  • Natural Gas can no longer be cracked, although the Hydrotreater and Chemical Plant recipes remain, with an additional one to combine it with Chlorine Gas, then run through the Alkylation Unit (see below) to effectively convert it into Unsaturated Hydrocarbons



Home, has a great deal of useful organic resources, and is the only source of bedrock coal and oil. Since it is the only world capable of supporting hydraulic fracking, you'll have to make a choice whether or not you'll destroy its natural beauty in your pursuit of the cosmos. Apart from coal and oil, it provides a good source of light metals for early-game. Useful byproducts of bedrock ores are indicated in parentheses

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Coal
  • Bauxite

Useful Resources

  • Infinite oil via fracking
  • Common wildlife, various mobs


Your first destination! Absolutely chock full of lithium and quartz, and provides some heavier metals via bedrock ore. Lithium bedrock ore is vital for terraforming Duna via chemical processes. The moon has no atmosphere, allowing for the use of the vacuum solderer

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Lithium
  • Niter
  • Zinc
  • Ice (vital for production of rocket fuel and breathable oxygen)
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Quartz
  • Titanium


An alternate first destination to the moon, for fans of mint choc chip ice-cream. Minmus is a paradise for copper,

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Ice
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Neodymium (Bismuth)
  • Borax
  • Tungsten (Bismuth)


A potential oasis after terraforming. Duna has a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide, which can be chemically altered via lithium hydroxide into a thin atmosphere of breathable oxygen (Planned but not currently present). This planet can be reached immediately after oil production has been realized, and provides infinite sources of actinides (such as uranium and thorium) via bedrock ores.

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Ice
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Neodymium (Bismuth)
  • Thorium (Technetium)
  • Fluorite
  • Niter
  • Hematite

Useful Resources


The only moon of Duna, and abnormally large. Ike has fascinating geography, laden with spikes, there is little knowledge on how they were formed, or if they were put there by an ancient civilization. Ike is a great source of bromine and natural gas via thick pools of alkyl bromide.

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Nickel (Arsenic)
  • Zinc
  • Quartz
  • Titanium
  • Redstone


A boring, unremarkable world. Little is gained from venturing here... is what someone who doesn't appreciate the natural beauty and the bounty of resources available on the planet! This world is your most potent source of coltan, and the only reasonable way to procure lanthanum in bulk for the production of high tier nukes.

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Cadmium
  • Coltan
  • Lanthanium
  • Gold (Bismuth)
  • Redstone


One of the only worlds discovered to have life outside of Earth, a watery planet with scattered islands and primitive lifeforms.

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Rare Earth Chunks
  • Asbestos
  • Emerald
  • Uranium (Polonium)

Useful Resources

  • Laythe Oil, has no sulfur, perfect for producing large amounts of jet fuel
  • Red algae, vital for upcoming CO2 scrubbing


A fair-dinkum planet, hot as hell, and full of rare resources generally only found in the Nether. Also the only source of Australium, but fortunately, you'll never run out as it doesn't spawn in only one area anymore.

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Glowstone
  • Phosphorus
  • Chlorocalcite
  • Cinnabar

Useful Resources

  • Australium
  • All nether resources


A truly hellish place. Without appropriate corrosion protection via a chest plate insert, you'll find your armor melting quickly, and shortly after, yourself...

Available Bedrock Ores

  • Uranium (Polonium)
  • Thorium (Technetium)
  • Niobium
  • Rare Earth Chunks
  • Schrabidium
  • Cinnabar

New Resources


Nickel is a very useful resource only found on bodies other than Earth. Nickel can be used to increase high-speed steel yields and produce stainless steel, which can be used to create space-grade machinery


A metal required for the production of rubber, via vulcanization.


Gallium is an important part of GaAs chips, used to create higher tiers of vacuum circuitry, allowing you to travel to more distant celestial bodies.

New Machines

In NTM: Space, many more machines are available in order to make use of all the natural resources available on the many celestial bodies included.

Alkylation Unit

The alkylation unit (Alky) is designed to convert lighter hydrocarbons (such as natural gas found commonly on many celestial bodies) into useful heavier hydrocarbon products. From natural gas it can produce unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, commonly used for rubber and bakelite, and even produce BTX via the use of high-performance solvent. As a utility, it can also alkylate petroleum gas into light oil.

Atmospheric Liquefaction Tower

This machine can extract atmospheric gases for terraforming celestial bodies and for using the gases for industrial processes. Commonly used with the cryogenic distillation machine in order to distill the atmospheric gases into useful individual fluid products.

Cryogenic Distillation Machine

The cryogenic distillation machine can split atmospheric gases into 4 useful fractions, like for example, taking trace amounts of nitrogen out of the Dunaian atmosphere to produce soil for planting crops.

Gas Giant Harvester

Similar to the rocket transporter pad, it can collect gases from nearby gas giants. Currently used to collect Joolian gases from the surface of Laythe.


The StarDar is your base of operations for mission planning, helping you to locate and scan potential landing zones on planets, and program drives that can be inserted into your rocket's astronavigational systems to make journeys to said planets.

Drive Processor

Processes drives that have been programmed by the StarDar, allowing them to be inserted into rocket navigation computers, enabling your journey to the stars!

Vacuum Solderer

A machine that can only function in a vacuum, and produces vacuum circuits. Vacuum circuits can be placed into the drive processor to enable it to process higher tier planetary drives. Your basic progression is as follows:

  • Tier 0: Travel to either Mun/Minmus, and use the vacuum environment to create tier 1 processor chips.
  • Tier 1: Travel to Duna, or the Mun, and find mineral deposits that you can extract gallium from. Gallium can create tier 2 processor chips.
  • Tier 2: Travel to Dres, and collect lanthanum, either via bedrock ore, or via ore deposits, lanthanum will allow you to produce tier 3 chips.
  • Tier 3: Travel to Laythe and collect Jool gas and process out the neon, with the neon, produce corrosion protection armor inserts.
  • Beyond: Corrosion protection can enable you to safely travel to Eve, one of the most treacherous planets available.

Vehicle Assembly Base

This structure is one of the most vital parts of your space-faring efforts. It'll allow you to stack your rockets and plan out each segment of your journey. Note that each rocket stage allows for one launch from a celestial body to another, so a two-stage rocket can make a round-trip between, say, the Earth and the Mun.

It's a very good idea to start off with a two stage rocket when traveling off of Earth for the first time, you'll want a return stage or you may find yourself stranded on an alien world with a diminishing supply of oxygen!

Rocket Launch Pad

This is the only launch pad capable of supporting the various fuel loads and complex requirements of the stacked rockets. This is the only way to fuel up a rocket too, so you'll want to make multiple stages for launching from bodies without a pad. The pad itself has a GUI that'll indicate what your rocket requires to be launched.

Rocket Transporter Pad

A much smaller rocket pad, capable of transporting resources continuously between linked pads, throughout any system. Since infinite resources are now split between many bodies via bedrock ore, you'll need to utilize these in the late-game to produce enough materials for Dyson swarm production.

Air Vent

This simple machine can be hooked up to a tank of oxygen to produce a breathable atmosphere within an enclosed space. Make sure you don't have any holes or have left any doors open while this is operating, or it'll vent precious oxygen into space!

Coming Soon


The atmospheric systems are already complete, all that is required is adding the machines that can process atmospheric volumes of gas to convert them into breathable atmospheres.

Orbital Stations

Tier 2 transport solution, saving on needing bulky and expensive rockets to travel around the Solar system.

Rocket Designs

2-Stage Mun Rocket (click to expand)

In order to travel to other celestial bodies, you must construct a capable rocket. To the right is a simple 2-stage rocket capable of travelling to the Mun and returning safely to Earth. Note the use of the flight planner, and that the drives are placed into the GUI in a specific order, since the journey to the Mun takes more energy than the return trip, due to the atmosphere of Earth helping to slow down a returning craft.

It is ideal to make your upper stages as light as possible, since the lower stages must lift the entirety of the rocket above them!


  • Each planet's name is a reference to Kerbal Space Program.
  • The design of the Hard Drives matches that of the game "Voices of the Void"