
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
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This page refers to the recurring mechanic, for the material, see: Meteorite.

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Meteors are large rocks that fall from the sky. They are composed of most commonly meteorite cobblestone, hot meteorite cobblestone, and broken meteorite blocks. Hot meteorite cobblestone cools over time and when broken, turns into lava. However, there are many types of meteors. They also have some kind of treasure in the center. There are three sizes of meteor, small, medium, and large.

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Where to find

They fall randomly from the sky, and are more likely to fall during a meteor shower event.


If it hits an entity, they will be dealt 1000 damage. This damage is absolute and bypasses armor. It has a custom death message of:

[NAME] was hit by a falling rock from outerspace.

There are several types which also have different dangers. Warning: they do destroy blocks, so if one lands next to a machine or a chest, they WILL break.

Meteor Ores

Meteors have several specials ores that have generally better outputs outputs when smelted

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Meteor ores.

The random meteor ores are weighted so some of them are more common than others. Weights are listed below.

Meteor ores include:

Meteor uranium (3/52 chance) gives 2 uranium ingots when smelted,

meteor thorium (5/52 chance) gives 2 th232 ingots when smelted,

meteor titanium (6/52 chance) gives 3 titanium ingots when smelted,

meteor sulfur (7/52 chance) gives 2 sulfur when shredded,

meteor copper (8/52 chance) gives 3 copper ingots when smelted,

meteor tungsten (5/52 chance) gives 3 tungsten ingots when smelted,

meteor aluminum (7/52 chance) gives 3 aluminum ingots when smelted,

meteor lead (6/52 chance) gives 3 lead ingots when smelted,

meteor lithium (4/52 chance) gives 1 lithium cube when smelted,

and meteor star metal (1/52 chance) gives 1 starmetal ingot when smelted.

Note: These do have ore dictionary support, so even stuff that gives less than 3 output can be processed by machines from other mods to give more.

Meteor Treasure loot

More information about this can be found in the loot tables page

The meteor treasure block has a high chance of spawning in most meteors and will drop 1-3 loot items when broken. Items that get dropped are randomized from a list of 36 items. These items are:

Super Conducting Coil, Advanced Alloy Plate, Desh Blend, Desh Ingot, Advanced Battery, Lithium-Ion Power Cell, Advanced Power Cell, Schrabidium Nugget, Plutonium Ingot, Ingot of Thorium Fuel, u233 Ingot, Reinforced Turbofan Blades, High-Speed Steel Ingot, Polymer Ingot, Tungsten Ingot, CMB Steel Ingot, Semi-Stable Lanthanium Ingot, Semi-Stable Actinium Ingot, Meteorite Block, Plasma Heater, Fusion Reactor Control, Watz Reaction Chamber, Rare Earth Ore, Superconducting Magnet, Reactor Control, Diesel Generator, RT Generator, Plutonium 238 Fuel Pellet, Weak Uranium RTG Pellet, RTG Unit, Electromagnetic Cartridge, Mini Nuke, Eightfold MIRV, Defabricator Energy Cell, Combine Ball, and Glitch.

Note: The glitch has plenty of its own effects, outlined in the glitch article. Use at your own risk!


They are generated in layers, with each layer having a chance to generate differently. Small meteors generate as a 3x3x3 cube, medium meteors generate as a 5x5 sphere, large meteors generate as a 7x7 sphere, and the giant meteors (special type) generate as a 9x9 sphere.

Outer layer (hull)

It has a 1/4 chance to generate either hot meteorite cobblestone, broken meteorite block, meteorite cobblestone, or a mix. If it is generated with broken meteorite blocks, each block has a 1 in 99 chance of generating as a meteorite treasure.

Outer padding

Small meteors do not have this layer. For the medium and large versions, the way it generates depends on the hull. if the hull generates with broken meteorite cobblestone, there will be a 1 in 2 chance of this layer generating with broken meteorite blocks (with a 1 in 99 chance of treasure) or a mix between meteor broken or cobble. If the hull generates with a mix of broken and cobble, this layer will do the same. If the hull generates with just molten or just cobble, it will generate with cobble.

Inner padding

Small meteors do not have this layer. For the medium and large versions, they way it generates also depends on the hull, but in a different way. If the hull is hot meteor cobble, there is a 1 in 3 chance of this layer being either broken meteor blocks (with a 1 in 99 chance of a treasure block), just broken meteor blocks, or meteor cobble. If the hull generates with any other material, the meteor cobble gets knocked out, so it's just the two variants of broken meteor block generation.


For the small meteor, the core is a roughly 1 in 2 chance of being a meteor block or a treasure, and the core is only one block. The medium meteor also has a 1 in 6 chance of generating with the same core materials. For the medium and large meteors, the core depends on the inner padding. If the inner padding is broken meteor blocks, there is a 1 in 2 chance of either being meteor blocks or meteor treasures. If the inner padding is anything else, and it uses the large core, the core will be made of random ores. If it uses the small core, it will be a mix of meteor blocks and meteor treasure. The small core does not apply to the large meteor.

Small meteor generation types

There is only one generation type for the small meteor, generating a 3x3x3 with hull materials, and the block in the middle being a core material.

Medium meteor generation types

There are 6 different generation types for the medium meteor, and they are randomly chosen. All the spheres/boxes/stars are centered on the center of the meteor.

Type 1: This uses only the hull blocks and small core blocks. It generates the 5x5 sphere with hull blocks and makes the center block a core material.

Type 2: This uses hull, outer padding, and regular core blocks. It generates a 5x5 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 3x3 star with outer padding blocks, and makes the venter block a core material.

Type 3: This uses hull, outer padding, and regular core blocks. It generates a 5x5 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 3x3 cube of outer padding blocks, and makes the center block a core material.

Type 4: This uses hull, outer padding, inner padding, and regular core blocks. It generates a 5x5 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 3x3 cube of outer padding blocks, then generates a 3x3 star of inner padding blocks, then makes the center block a core material.

Type 5: This uses hull, inner padding, and regular core blocks. It generates a 5x5 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 3x3 box of inner padding blocks, then makes the center block a core material.

Type 6: This uses hull, inner padding, and regular core blocks. It generates a 5x5 sphere of hull blocks, then generates a 3x3 box of inner padding blocks, then generates a 3x3 star of random meteor ores, then makes the center block a core material.

Large meteor generation types

There are 5 different generation types for the large meteor and they are randomly chosen. All the spheres/boxes/stars are centered on the center of the meteor.

Type 1: Uses all layers. It generates a 7x7 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 5x5 star of outer padding blocks, then generates a 3x3 star of inner padding blocks, then makes the center block a core block.

Type 2: Uses all layers. It generates a 7x7 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 5x5 sphere of outer padding block, then generates a 3x3 star of inner padding blocks, then makes the center block a core material.

Type 3: Uses all layers. It generates a 7x7 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 5x5 sphere of outer padding block, then generates a 3x3 box of inner padding blocks, then makes the center block a core material.

Type 4: Uses all layers. It generates a 7x7 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 5x5 sphere of outer padding block, then generates a 3x3 box of inner padding blocks, then generates a 3x3 star of random ores, then makes the center block a core material.

Type 5: Uses all layers. It generates a 7x7 sphere with hull blocks, then generates a 5x5 sphere of outer padding block, then generates a 5x5 star of inner padding blocks, then generates a 3x3 star of random ores, then makes the center block a core material.


File:Special Meteors!!!
A video displaying all the specials meteors.

Each special type has a 1 in 300 chance of spawning. Disabled by default in the config

Tiny meteorite

This meteorite is a 3 x 3 x 3 meteorite block square.

Large ore-only meteorite

A large meteorite which is about half stone, and half meteorite ores.

Medium ore-only meteorite

A medium meteorite which is about half stone, and half meteorite ores.

Small ore-only meteorite

A small meteorite which is only meteorite ores.


A large explosion with some rubble effects.

Large treasure only meteorite

A large meteorite which generates about 1/2 treasure and 1/2 meteor blocks.

Medium treasure only meteorite

A medium meteorite which generates about 2/3 treasure and 1/3 meteor blocks.

Small pure treasure meteorite

A small meteorite that is composed of only treasure.

Large nuclear meteorite

A large meteorite which generates the outside entirely of treasure, and the inside entirely of stereotypical green ooze. WARNING: this is highly radioactive.

Giant ore meteorite

A giant meteorite with the outer layer generating meteor blocks, and the inner layer (basically a large meteor) entirely meteor ores.

Tainted meteorite

A medium meteor except the inner block is taint. The taint will spread and will ruin your world!

Atomic meteorite

Creates a nuclear explosion on impact. The fallout spreads very far and creates a lot of radiation in the process. A direct hit from one of these meteors can very easily destroy your base.

Star blaster meteorite

Creates an explosion on impact and drops a B92 energy pistol named ÂStar Blaster with special color formatting.