MOX Fuel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Ingot form
Ingot form

Mixed oxide fuel or simply MOX fuel is a type of nuclear fuel that contains more than one fuel oxide. In the case of NTM, it is a mixture of uranium (2/3rds) and plutonium (1/3rd) fuel. For most reactors, it is a mid-range fuel between uranium and plutonium as one might expect, however, the RBMK is an exception, as it is a considerably strong fuel for its cost.


It consists of 2/3rds medium enriched uranium-235 fuel and 1/3rd reactor grade plutonium.

Reactor Grade Plutonium Nugget
Reactor Grade Plutonium Nugget
Nugget of Uranium Fuel
Nugget of Uranium Fuel
Nugget of Uranium Fuel
Nugget of Uranium Fuel
MOX Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.
Reactor Grade Plutonium Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet3
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


MOX Fuel
Estimated lifespan165,000 ticks
Start radiation2.5 RAD/s
End radiation150.0 RAD/s

MOX fuel for the ZIRNOX is fairly strong at 75 heat, making it somewhat stronger than even plutonium fuel. Its lifespan is somewhat low at 165k ticks, however. Since it is relatively strong for its cost, it can still be useful for comparatively cheap power generation that's stronger than uranium or thorium fuel.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth of material.


MOX Fuel
Fissile materialU-235 & Pu-239
Fertile materialU-238 & Pu-240
Reaction function
Function typeLogarithmic
Function dangerMedium
Heat per flux7.5 TU
Start radiation2.5 RAD/s
End radiation25.0 RAD/s

Unlike in the ZIRNOX and RBMK, MOX fuel is part of a set of very weak fuels. It has the same flux function as MEU-235, though it does have a higher heat output level.


A plot of MOX flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
A plot of MOX flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX PWR Fuel Rod



Mixed MEU-235 & LEPu-239 Oxide Fuel
Fissile materialU-235 & Pu-239
Fertile materialU-238 & Pu-240
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeBase 10 logarithm
Flux function dangerMedium
Depletion functionRaising slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux1°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,815°C
Starting radiation10.0 RAD/s

Despite being comparatively cheap, it is much stronger than MEU-235 and LEPu-239. It even exceeds the flux output of MEPu-239 up to ~120 inbound flux where their functions intersect. In addition to its strong flux function, it has a fairly high heat output at 1°C per flux. Despite its apparent strength, it uses the stable base 10 logarithm function, which while rises quickly in output flux also quickly plateaus, reducing the chance of supercriticality.


A plot of MOX flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of MOX flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
MOX Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison has no effect on output yields)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
    • 64.0% MOX
    • 10.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 5.0% long-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 8.0% short-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 8.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 5.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 44.0% MOX
    • 14.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 8.0% long-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 13.0% short-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 13.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 8.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Highly Depleted
    • 24.0% MOX
    • 18.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 11.0% long-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 18.0% short-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 18.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 11.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)
  • Fully Depleted
    • 4.0% MOX
    • 22.0% reactor grade plutonium
    • 14.0% long-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 23.0% short-lived nuclear waste (U-235)
    • 23.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-239)
    • 14.0% short-lived nuclear waste (Pu-240)


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