From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

The MKUNICORN syringe is a airborn biological weapon. MKU is only obtainable in syringe form and when used, MKU will spread and contaminate everything. MKU can spread through all entities. It can only be stopped with a tier two hazmat suit, such as Remnants Power Armor. It can only spread through unstackable items.


The order of the items in the recipe is scrambled for every world. The recipe is hidden from NEI and the order of the items can only be found out if you know the world seed or by finding clues inside Meteorite Dungeons.

Possible recipe for MKUNICORN:

Iodine Powder
Drop of Mercury
Morning Glory
Empty Syringe
Red Phosphorus


5 minutes Able to spread through air
1 Hour Ocasional nausea
2 Hours Constant weakness and nausea
2 Hours 30 min Half a heart of damage every 20 seconds
2 Hours 55 min Heart of damage every 5 seconds
3 Hours Death


There is no way to know if you are infected until the first symptoms begin. Being wet increases airborn infection range from 2 blocks to 16 blocks.

It can bypass walls!

You can sterilize items contaminated with MKU by putting them through the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator and Radiolysis Chamber. However, this will destroy any food.