Large Mining Drill

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Mining drill
Mining drill

Large Mining Drill is a 7x7x7 pseudo-multiblock, which allows the player to extract Bedrock Ore.


Large Mining Drill is made in Assembly Machine using 8 Stone Bricks, 16 Steel Ingots, 16 Iron Ingots, 16 Steel Scaffolds, 2 Motors, 1 Steel Tank and 1 Advanced Circuit. To use the drill you must first locate the bedrock ore you would like to mine using Survey Scanner, or doing it manually, by mining at the bottom and checking every depth rock, which is not recommended. Then place the drill on top of the bedrock ore, inside the GUI place the required Drillbit Tier and fill it with the required acid (Check Bedrock Ore page for more information). After starting up the drill, it will drill a 3x3 hole all the way down to bedrock level, and start extracting the ore. Output is located in front of the machine, under "miller" part.


  • It has a base energy consumption of 10kHE/t.
  • It has a base speed of 300 seconds per 1 bedrock ore.